
I absolutely love Been You! like I'm not even kidding you when I say that I stayed up until 6am reading all of the chapters bc it was just that good. I've only done that with one other story which obviously means yours is bomb af! hope I don't come off as annoying that I hope you update soon  


Omgggggggg absolutely love been you it's my new obession. Keep writing cause you have so much amazing talent. Can't wait for the next chapter. And can't wait to see you flourish and grow as a writer cause your writing is incredible. Your talent is amazing babe ❤❤❤.


OHHHMYGOSSASIHBDIAHBD thank you so much!!! You literally made my day. I'm so glad you like it, I was afraid I wouldn't get any reads tbh! Lol Thank you for your support ❤️❤️❤️ means the world