
Hello All. 
          	Hope you're all doing fine. 
          	Maybe I'll just get straight to the point. 
          	I'm pulling 'The Manipulator.' off of Wattpad. 
          	It started off well, even though I say so myself. But somewhere along the lines I realized that I'm not ready. One thing I learnt since I started with this book is I lack the discipline required to be a good writer.
          	All you good people on Wattpad deserve way more than an inconsistent and half baked book written by a writer who lack the discipline to truly get it to where he first envisioned it to be. 
          	This is not the end though. 'The Manipulator.' will be back, may be with an another name or with a slightly bettered storyline. 
          	I'll be back, but a better writer. 
          	The Manipulator'll be back, but a better book.
          	And Thank you for sticking out and reading what I did put out. 
          	I wanted to go out with an Arnold Schwarzenegger/Terminator style 'I'll be back.' but nah. 
          	Es out, for the time. 


@Rabbit_and_the_Duck I thank you for your understanding. I as a writer wouldn't want to put out anything that I as a reader wouldn't want to read. Maybe next time, it would be better. 


Hello All. 
          Hope you're all doing fine. 
          Maybe I'll just get straight to the point. 
          I'm pulling 'The Manipulator.' off of Wattpad. 
          It started off well, even though I say so myself. But somewhere along the lines I realized that I'm not ready. One thing I learnt since I started with this book is I lack the discipline required to be a good writer.
          All you good people on Wattpad deserve way more than an inconsistent and half baked book written by a writer who lack the discipline to truly get it to where he first envisioned it to be. 
          This is not the end though. 'The Manipulator.' will be back, may be with an another name or with a slightly bettered storyline. 
          I'll be back, but a better writer. 
          The Manipulator'll be back, but a better book.
          And Thank you for sticking out and reading what I did put out. 
          I wanted to go out with an Arnold Schwarzenegger/Terminator style 'I'll be back.' but nah. 
          Es out, for the time. 


@Rabbit_and_the_Duck I thank you for your understanding. I as a writer wouldn't want to put out anything that I as a reader wouldn't want to read. Maybe next time, it would be better. 


(What would you do if you ever hit a block?)
          Hello guys. 
          Sorry to bother you. 
          So, I'm this new guy in the block with big aspirations and relatively less talent. And when I say less talent, that's putting it lightly. We're talking a lot less to no talent here. I could fight to become the king of wannabes, or maybe I won't even have competition. You get the picture.
          So I recently started working on this story but I kind of have a problem. I haven't hit it yet, but I sure can see myself getting stuck in that position, soon. 
          Some call it writer's block. Others call it procrastination. 
          So my question for today is, What would you do if you ever hit a block? 
          You guys have more experience that me, be it in writing or facing your weaknessess. Think of this as you giving me, an expert's advice. 
          I appreciate all the tips I can get. To make my writing better, to express my stories better. 
          Thank you all for your time. 
          Cheers to the community. 


            First of all -- never doubt yourself. Everyone starts somewhere. And I'm anxiously awaiting the next chapter of The Manipulator so I know you have talent.    
            Second of all -- the best way to get past writer's block (or procrastination) is to write anyways.  Even if it's not about the story that you're experiencing a block for -- the best thing to help you with writing is writing.  Honestly, every one overcomes writer's block differently, but writing is usually the best option.  
            Something else I like to do -- whenever I'm blocked, I'll start writing out 20 things about the main characters that the reader will never know. It sometimes triggers a spark so that I know how I want to continue the story.  
            I hope that helps.


@Esaythewriter okay, late reply, sorry. Don't worry much, I, as a writer, do that too. A lot.
            My tips are try to write whatever you want. Force yourself a little, but don't publish it. Keep it as a draft. Then leave it and try to line out your story instead. Like the plots and characters. Collect pictures or anything tha reminds you of the story. Make a playlist or collages of pictures related to it.
            If yoy felt incredibly bored or just done and want to take a break; do it. Read a book. Take a walk. Listen to music. Anything that doesn't relate you to the story. Don't stress yourself out; keep it relaxed and easy.
            Then go back to your draft and rewrite. Don't edit. Rewrite. Everything. I promise you, it's a pain in the arse, but in the end it'll be worth it.
            So make lots or drafts. Don't be afraid of unsatisfying chapters or sentences. Just make lots of drafts then rewrite. Take a break when needed.
            Remember, writing is about your passion. Your enjoyment. It isn't supposed to be a chore or a burden. Good luck!


          Actually I was wondering if u could have a look on my book named ‘STAY A LITTLE LONGER’ I promise you will really really like it.
             Andddd if you do please LIKE❤️ and COMMENT❤️
          Have a nice dayyyyy ahead you are an amazing person❤️


@love_sasha Sure thing. Cheers to the community. 