
Posting Update!
          	Chapter 10 of ᴜɴᴅʏɪɴɢ ʟᴏᴠᴇ will be posted on Monday, June 17th at 10 am Eastern Standard Time! Stay tuned!!


          For anyone still waiting on the remaining chapters of Undying Love, I thank you for your patience! I've been stuck on a specific scene in Chapter 13 T-T
          However, once everything is complete, I'll begin posting again. One remaining chapter per week! Stay tuned for updates!
          Loves, Z !


          Chapters 10 and 11 of ᴜɴᴅʏɪɴɢ ʟᴏᴠᴇ are complete, and let me tell you, it's quite the emotional rollercoaster! I just need to edit them before posting!
          However, I'm going to finish writing Chapters 12, 13 and 14 before I post the previous chapters! I honestly can't believe this book is almost finished! And in only a few short weeks too! Time sure does fly!
          Once the remaining chapters of this book are finished and the edits are complete. I will set each remaining chapter to be posted via schedule, so keep an eye on my Instagram Stories! You can find the link to my Instagram in my linktree in my bio!


Day 2 of training is going great so far!
          I've finally finished the maid Anna print and am currently working on the Butler Toshi print whenever I have the chance I'll also be working on the accompanying chibi acrylic charms and stickers really soon! Stay tuned for updates!


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Another progress update on the Heroes Rewrite..
          You guys, I've been going left, right, and sideways with the entire rewrite istg.. half of the storyline changed and some parts are just *dear lawd help*
          The plot twists and cliffhangers won't change thankfully, but I legit scraped half of the original storyline so everything makes sense..
          I never realised that rewriting something I've spent the last 3 years working on would be so stressful, much less break my heart having to scrape the unnecessary parts of the story that I truly really liked but weren't necessary..
          The rewrite will also be rather slow considering I finally got a job again, and I start my first day of training tomorrow..
          I'd also like to make a quick announcement apart from the news of my new job as well <3 
          As you all know, for the editing process I have entrusted the help of a Beta Reader, a close friend of mine who also shares a deep love of writing and is one of my close cosplay friends as well!
          Make sure to give @thisgirltatiana some love when Heroes is finally republished!! <3 She absolutely deserves it for putting up with my shit during this entire process!
          Another quick announcement is that I finally opened up my shop!! *YAY!* There will be MHA acrylic charms, pins, prints, stationary. All sorts of cool things! All of which will themed towards Heroes or MHA in general!
          I'm also currently working on a rather specific set of matching prints for the rewrite of Chapter 9 that will be posted along with the chapter when the entire book is finally republished! *oh?* Once finished these two drawings will be available in my shop as matching prints! I'm also planning on making chibi versions of these prints as collectable acrylic charms with their own matching stickers!
          That's all for today's update on what's been going on! Hope you all have a great day/night! <3
          Loves, Z <3