
hello everyone, 
          	i haven't posted anything here in a while, as you can tell. i just haven't been writing at all because of my busy schedule. as you may have guessed, i'm posting a message here because i have an update coming very soon. i think you guys deserve something nice after me being inactive, so i have a bartender au for you all. 
          	hope you guys enjoy! 
          	- lola


hello everyone, 
          i haven't posted anything here in a while, as you can tell. i just haven't been writing at all because of my busy schedule. as you may have guessed, i'm posting a message here because i have an update coming very soon. i think you guys deserve something nice after me being inactive, so i have a bartender au for you all. 
          hope you guys enjoy! 
          - lola


Is your profile picture from an anime? It looks cool 


And my profile photo is a drawing of Ray Chen, Brett Yang, and Eddy Chen; msartians on Instagram 


@Miraculer_101 Hi! No, it isn’t; it’s the album cover for The Kid LAROI’s album “F*CK LOVE”. Thanks tho! :) 


Or your background photo. That also looks cool


in a few seconds
          Hey guys! I hope you've gotten a chance to read my new Hanahaki one-shot; "I Can't Breathe". That took really long to write :'). Anyway, I wanted to ask about the warnings I add at the beginning of some of my one-shots. Should I write some of them as TWs? I feel like I should, but I don't know. I hate adding these warnings because it ruins the story, but I need to keep my ass legally covered. Please tell me if there is something I write about that is triggering and I haven't added a TW or warning about it; I hate to displease and make one uncomfortable. Again, I am very open to requests. It can be a vague prompt or an entire story plan, I will try my best to fulfill your requests. Thank you all for voting @TwoSetShipMates STOP MAKING ME CRY. Those messages were so sweet <3 Thank you, new readers! Your support means so much to me. I'm just a small writer with a big dream and every comment, read, and vote makes me so happy. I love sharing my writing with others and I love seeing others enjoy my work. I can't believe 2020 is almost over! It was a good and bad year for me. Do you have any fun stories from this year? Tell me! Thank you all again, stay safe, and have fun!
          xo, Lola


@MusicandRiddles Hi Britney!! Aww tyty your support means lots of both of us ❤️


@tsflower123 Hi Lola!! I’m Britney!! Hmm...I’m not a good writer but I love reading FFs, haha XDD. 2020 is almost over :( well...Happy New Year everyone!! Lola and Allie, don’t stop writing TwoSet, I love them!! Fun stories? Well, sorry no, I don’t. I am busy af every day. Stay safe guys!!


hElLo lOveLy pEoPle.
          How are you doing. Hopefully well. Anyways, I am taking a shitload of time to type this updates s it’s probably over 3.5k words which would be my longest one-shot yet. The topic will be revealed when I publish the story and @TwoSetBigFan you better not spoil it for everyone. Also for our collab followers, I am so behind! I’m sure you’re all aware of that. Allie has literally written the last 2 or 3 updates so I’ll try and get onto of that. . Stay safe, have fun, and go practice. ❤️


Hehe @TwoSetBigFan tyty ✨ @Frizz_and_Lizst ITS COMING FOR ME 


Hehe, I won’t spoil the story and don’t worry, if u need help, I can help u with the updates 


@tsflower123 Oh, I didn't know you had a one-shot coming up! Well, good luck to you and I pray that you are not the next victim of writer's block!