
wait till i reveal project im trying to work on these days. i pRoMiSe, it's gonna be out in winter. winter 2025. i pRoMiSe. 


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


id delete all the negative thoughts ive written here, but i cant because im using this, as well as my twt as... a diary? basically, i can see here when i wasnt in a good place of my mind and a bit of what i felt like... yeah thats it


im seriously curious: what's the point of waking up when all days have become repetitive and there's nothing good waiting for you?


Waking up with hope that today might be different. A day can have its turn when you believe something magical can happen ❤️ open your eyes to possibilities, never give up and fight for yourself. There will come a day you will wake up and your hard work will be rewarded. 
            Only those who refuse do give up see results. If you give up now, you’ll never succeed. Not because you wouldn’t be able to, but because your mind made you believe you wouldn’t. But you are able to do great things and you will do great things. Just believe and fight ❤️ I’ll be here for you whenever you need me, love 