
Hey guys. I have an announcement. I have sworn into the United States Navy. I'm a sailor guys. Please pm me with any questions. I love y'all ❤️
          	-Sara Nicole


I know it's been a while since an update. But I can't wait for yall to see it. I'm trying, there isn't enough time  junior year is apparently rlly important so I've gotta focus. I'll get it put when I can! Domt forget to vote, recommend and comment. 
          I love you all ❤


Stop following then unfollowing. 
          It's rude. 


Do you know what you did to it? @BooksByVillanueva


@madhatter5300 Oh, yes, thank you. Its really devastating when someone cant do what you love. But in a few days, if this is still hurting and acting up, we are going to the doctor again, to see what to do. So hopefully its better by then!


@BooksByVillanueva That's unfortunate! I really do hope you're better by then. I wouldn't wish for anyone to have the thing they love taken from them. I would die without dance it's a part of who I am. I'm also in marching band so if I get hurt or get sick, two minutes I'm back in. I hate not doing what I love. It's just awful 