
Hey guys Nate again, just um saying something. Um whomever is going around saying our last name is long… it’s not.. Like idk who started that but it’s not. Ok have a good new years bye.


bro i heard it from someone els


hi guys, i had to delete my original post bc some other people but anyways. idk the whole story of what elle went through but ik shes alive & idrc if this is “any invasion of privacy” bc its honestly not, its not like im telling her lives story or sum. but i am saying that she is okay & people who are rlly hurt from her “death” need to hear it & need to stop being lied too. there were so many ways elle could have left social and they chose the most hurtful one, i dont think that was right. again, idk why she left or anything, but people need to get this closure so they can stop grieving over someone who is alive. 


this message may be offensive
@writtnbycherry i dont think u fucking understand she was FORCED to do that and leave so get the full damn story fisrt b4 u dox someone ok


this message may be offensive
            |definition of invasion privacy
            a situation in which someone fails to respect a person's right to keep certain personal information from being known|
            so respectfully shut to fuck up


@writtnbycherry bro so u apologize then start acting like a lil piece a shot again make up ur mind. also it was invasion of privacy baes <3


hi everyone i’m emmeline. ik elle irl cause we were childhood friends and r moms were friends. i don’t see her a lot cause we live in different states but we are still very close friends. and if u read the most recent comment u will see that her death was faked. and i’m not gonna explain why she did it cause yall don’t deserve to know what happened and it’s not my business to tell. but elle trusted yall and the people she told that it was faked are disrespectful people for telling. she trusted yall for a reason and for yall to tell people, it’s sick. all the stuff she went through and yall still wanna tell the world stuff thats not ur business. i hope everyone that reads this understands that she wasn’t seeking attention or wanted to get more popular. actual stuff happened to her.