
hello to all my followers and casual readers!
          	i have decided to permanently move my works to ao3, or archiveofourown.
          	i will be making huge changes to the stories itself and will be publishing my new works there. i'm not sure if i would still publish my works here but i will try. my main focus of publishing will be on ao3.
          	if you're on ao3 already, subscribe to "topsecret199x"!
          	see you there!


hello to all my followers and casual readers!
          i have decided to permanently move my works to ao3, or archiveofourown.
          i will be making huge changes to the stories itself and will be publishing my new works there. i'm not sure if i would still publish my works here but i will try. my main focus of publishing will be on ao3.
          if you're on ao3 already, subscribe to "topsecret199x"!
          see you there!


Hey baby, what's poppin'? 
          Ohwells, hello once again. It's been a long time since I've been openly active. By openly active I meant that I've been active here and there, but not really showing you that I am.
          The truth is that, throughout the few years of my activity, I was slowly gaining more ideas of what books I'll be publishing next, or what oneshot I'll be posting. So even though my writer's block keeps coming to ruin my plans, I still get them done. Slowly 
          I've finished some oneshots that I have been making, but I don't post them yet unless I'm sure whether I would do a part 2 or 3 or whatsoever. That way you readers won't get bored waiting for another chapter to come.
          And I've been itching to publish the other books I started, but I still haven't finished my first book yet so I won't. I'm the type of person who gets sidetracked a lot, and so easily, so doing a new thing will make me neglect the first ones I did. 
          I sincerely apologize for the readers who're really patient enough to wait for my updates. I appreciate your dedications. I will do my best to be more productive and inspired so that I can finally feed you guys with more contents a.k.a 'Chapters'. I love you all!


Hey everyone! I'm back, but what I've been doing is just editing some unpublished chapters on my book and i'm also reading new books. 
          I'm into Little Space fanfictions nowadays and I wanted to ask you guys for great book suggestions about little space? i would love to read them!


Omg lol guys I'm so sorry about the sudden published story, it was an accident and I unpublished it immediately. If you guys are curious I'm actually writing a new story. The title "Immortal" is just temporary since I'll try to come up with a good title once the book is finished. BUT! I'll be finishing my current book "The Lasts of Life" first before publishing a new one. Sorry for the inconvenience!


          I have 5 drafts on my Works but there are 2 stories that I'm having a dilemma of publishing first.  First book is "Psychic. For those who tune in on my recent book "Lasts Of Life", you probably know the preview but for those who don't you can check it on the chapter entitled "I NEED YOUR OPINION". For the second book however, I still don't have a title for it but it's a BTS fanfiction. I'm currently hyping BTS so I'm making a story for them. It's extraordinary, characters are not limited to humans only (you know what that means) and so far it's doing good.
          Either way if one gets the most votes will be published first once it's all finished. 
          I hope you guys help me on this! LOVELOTS!


@_topsecret199x_ ooo! I'm actually interested with the preview of Psychic but can you do a preview for the other book as well?