
this message may be offensive
I don't want to be rude or anything but... WHY THE HELL DO ALL OF YOU GUYS HAVE THE SAME NAME!!! Mainly Lucas frier! Get your own person! I know that i have no space to talk but I just exploded when I saw a lot of Lucas friers and he didn't reply to anyone. I have no reason to do this hate me for it I don't give a shit I have enough of people literally yelling in my face about my flaws when they can't even see your own!!! 


this message may be offensive
I don't want to be rude or anything but... WHY THE HELL DO ALL OF YOU GUYS HAVE THE SAME NAME!!! Mainly Lucas frier! Get your own person! I know that i have no space to talk but I just exploded when I saw a lot of Lucas friers and he didn't reply to anyone. I have no reason to do this hate me for it I don't give a shit I have enough of people literally yelling in my face about my flaws when they can't even see your own!!! 


Almost everyone. Too many people with the same names. Why can't we put our real names or nicknames?


@topangamathews I feel you. Everyone is doing role play and it's getting on my nerves, because I don't know when they are talking about role play or real life.


Watt pad deleted my books 


@topangamathews No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! More books!!


I making new ones though


Today someone at school asked me "what's wrong?" I replied "nothing I'm just- uh tired." But really I'm am tired. Tired of not being good enough. Tired of trying and not getting credit. Tired of getting put down. Tired of people calling me names. Tired of backstabbers. Tired of of crying. Tired of insecurity. Tired of being unconfident. Tired of tired. That's all. 


I think I'm afraid to be happy because whenever I do get too happy something bad always happens. 


@topangamathews  That sucks. You have a lot of friends here. We will help you get through anything!!!!