
Hey everyone, the next few chapters are in the works, its just taking a bit to figure out the order of a few things so I appreciate you bearing with me. I know the last chapter may have slightly enraged some of you, but I promise everything happens for a reason and our beloved heros shall grow from all the terrible things I put them through.
          	For those that are interested, I am a part of a discord(18+) where I have a channel talking about the characters, theories, and some of my readers yell at me for my crimes:
          	It also includes some of the "directors cut" nsfw scenes that are not included here, if that is something you are interested in.
          	Thank you all for reading, and your patience! I hope to see you not too long from now in the next chapter <3


Hey everyone, the next few chapters are in the works, its just taking a bit to figure out the order of a few things so I appreciate you bearing with me. I know the last chapter may have slightly enraged some of you, but I promise everything happens for a reason and our beloved heros shall grow from all the terrible things I put them through.
          For those that are interested, I am a part of a discord(18+) where I have a channel talking about the characters, theories, and some of my readers yell at me for my crimes:
          It also includes some of the "directors cut" nsfw scenes that are not included here, if that is something you are interested in.
          Thank you all for reading, and your patience! I hope to see you not too long from now in the next chapter <3


Chapter 23 is up!
          Wattpad has been kinda funny about notifications lately so I thought I would make an announcement.... also I am sorry. Please don't come for me. I promise that I have a long term plan for my characters and there is a reason for this madness. It is all for the sake of character development!


Hey all, the next chapter is in the works I promise. I really apologize for the long wait on this one. I have had some big changes to my work/life balance and am trying to figure that out. I plan to put in a good amount of work tomorrow on my day off. I cant make any promises for finishing it in a day but hopefully it will be out by next weekend. Thank you guys so much for your patience.
          ALSO, I have noticed quite a few new readers lately. WELCOME and thank you so much for reading. For those that are interested there is some hidden NSFW content for Book 2 that I do not post here or Ao3. The scenes are considered "canon" to me but are either behind the scenes or fade to black type situations in the book. If you would like the "uncut directors cut" you can join me in this discord server where I have a story channel where I share sneak peaks and we talk theories and chaotic feelings about the book:
          If discord isn't your thing but you still want the NSFW scenes feel free to email me at
          Again, thank you so much for reading! It means the world and always makes my day <3


I am working away on the next chapter, I know it was a long wait on the last one since I was on vacation. This one will be much sooner so thank you for bearing with me.
          I also have yet to share this with you all, but I am in a discord server called 'Our Hogwarts Legacy'. I, along with a lot of other HL fic authors have a channel there for my story were we discuss the chapters as they come out. I also drop a lot of lore, sneak peaks, voice clips and art. It is an 18+ server, and we can get a little chaotic but  we have fun.
          The server also has an extensive library, places to chat different topics, channels dedicated to our favorite characters and lots of activities and games. So if you're 18+ and want to come hang we'd be happy to have you!
          This invite link is good for seven days: 


I am going on vacation for a few weeks so it will be a bit before the next update. But luckily for you the Chapter I just posted is HUGE! You can thing of it and a double feature of sorts cause it really wasn't something I wanted to split up. 
          Also, I apologize for how heavy it is, but I promise its all necessary and moving us towards some really cool stuff happening in the future.
          Enjoy and I'll miss you while I am away!


New art has been added to the end of Chapter 9 of Book 2! I'm really proud of how it turned out and plan on slowly implementing more art into chapters. I'll be sure to let you all know when art had been added to chapters that are already published.


Hey friends! I want to say it really was not my intention to leave ya'll so long on a cliff hanger but I fell prey to the flu! I think I'm starting to feel better so I'm hoping I can work on the next chapter this coming week and get it to you on the weekend! If not early next week!


@smile_arigatou *peers grumpily out of a small gap in the duvet covers* I'm not sleepy!


Go back to bed Darling ❤️ 