
this message may be offensive
Rant: Fuck! I HATE this website. I hate this website with a burning passion! If I could I would burn this website to the ground over how INFURIATING it is. 
          	In my English class we have to do this every week right? Its a diffrent lesson each week and USUALLY they are easy enough that they don't want to make be bash my head into a wall. However for some god forsaken reason this one STUPID lesson, a lesson that makes no sense and makes me want to claw my eyes out over how useless and uninteresting, this fuckin lesson is absolutely undo-able. 
          	Let's start with the fact that the sentences are long as FUCK so I spend like 5 minutes typing out this fuckin sentence only for the website to tell me that the information I put at the end of the sentence needs to be in the front and you would think "okay no big deal ill just copy and paste." WELL GUESS WHAT?! This hellhole of a website doesn't allow copy and paste at all so you're stuck re writing this fuckin sentence(which isn't even intresting and the topics of the sentences are repetitive AF) again. so finally you retype this long ass sentence right? You hit submit. And it tells you "that's one way to write this sentence. Now try putting the description in front of the sentence." Even though that's EXACTLY what you just did. And I know for a fact this is what the website says because i have been slapped in the face by this a thousand times and nearly lost my shit at it.
          	 AND ANOTHER THING!  Why is it that the website has such unhelpful and or vauge as fuck "clues"?! Honestly what is the point of telling me to look at the clue over and over and over again if the clue isn't even aplyable to my current problem?! 


@tommy92674 continuation:Honestly rn quill up there in like my top 10 list of websites I hate right above Edpuzzle for the tediousness of their videos along with the fact that they have some of the WORST editing i have ever seen. 
          	  Like I get that it's science and it's hard to make it intresting but could you at least TRY?! put fuckin googly eyes on the atoms for all I care but do SOMTHING to make it the least bit entertaining for the kids who are made to watch your videos. you know it wouldn't even be that bad if I could fast forward to the questions so I can just get it over with as quickly as possible but nooooo I have to sit through 12 minutes of this buzzard with a voice that if played continuously for more than an hour would be the equivalent of a mild moose tranquilizer


this message may be offensive
Rant: Fuck! I HATE this website. I hate this website with a burning passion! If I could I would burn this website to the ground over how INFURIATING it is. 
          In my English class we have to do this every week right? Its a diffrent lesson each week and USUALLY they are easy enough that they don't want to make be bash my head into a wall. However for some god forsaken reason this one STUPID lesson, a lesson that makes no sense and makes me want to claw my eyes out over how useless and uninteresting, this fuckin lesson is absolutely undo-able. 
          Let's start with the fact that the sentences are long as FUCK so I spend like 5 minutes typing out this fuckin sentence only for the website to tell me that the information I put at the end of the sentence needs to be in the front and you would think "okay no big deal ill just copy and paste." WELL GUESS WHAT?! This hellhole of a website doesn't allow copy and paste at all so you're stuck re writing this fuckin sentence(which isn't even intresting and the topics of the sentences are repetitive AF) again. so finally you retype this long ass sentence right? You hit submit. And it tells you "that's one way to write this sentence. Now try putting the description in front of the sentence." Even though that's EXACTLY what you just did. And I know for a fact this is what the website says because i have been slapped in the face by this a thousand times and nearly lost my shit at it.
           AND ANOTHER THING!  Why is it that the website has such unhelpful and or vauge as fuck "clues"?! Honestly what is the point of telling me to look at the clue over and over and over again if the clue isn't even aplyable to my current problem?! 


@tommy92674 continuation:Honestly rn quill up there in like my top 10 list of websites I hate right above Edpuzzle for the tediousness of their videos along with the fact that they have some of the WORST editing i have ever seen. 
            Like I get that it's science and it's hard to make it intresting but could you at least TRY?! put fuckin googly eyes on the atoms for all I care but do SOMTHING to make it the least bit entertaining for the kids who are made to watch your videos. you know it wouldn't even be that bad if I could fast forward to the questions so I can just get it over with as quickly as possible but nooooo I have to sit through 12 minutes of this buzzard with a voice that if played continuously for more than an hour would be the equivalent of a mild moose tranquilizer