
Chapter II is out now! This will kick the story into gear!


The Dragon King Chronicles was originally a series on my YouTube channel that I was going to make with Lego, then I decided to turn it into a book series. I didn’t figure out all the details of the overall story yet, but I know the tone. So basically it’s a fantasy but dark comedy about a dystopian world devolved back into the dark ages, thanks to the evil dragon king, and a commoner named Thomas, or Tom, haven’t decided yet, finds a sword that fell from the sky, and now the dragon king is after him. Think of it as Shrek, meets Lord of the rings, meets Princess Bride, meets Guardians of the Galaxy.
          A satire of the heroes journey, get ready!


Here’s who the characters will be like the most in the Mark OBsidian story:
          Harry: half book half movie
          Ron: book
          Hermione: movie
          Draco: half book half movie
          Ginny: book
          Snape: movie
          Dumbledore: book
          I’m borrowing from the movies and some from the books since I only watched the films
          This is a story that I wanted to tell since I played the Lego games lol