
Will quickly add that there was two people controlling this account. It’s only one person now.


I'm back, dear readers. 
          I apologize for taking such a long gap. The majority of you probably assumed I had died
          Many stories had not yet been published, and fortunately they will remain unpublished. 
          This will be different from the initial stories I created because my writing has altered significantly over the months. 
          I'm actually horrified to try reading my earlier work, genuinely do not want to cringe whatsoever


I’m just going to say this once lads. If some of you don’t like my stories just don’t read them, if you want to leave hate be my guest but just remember that sometimes it affects the author. I’m not only talking about myself since I know that some of my readers had to go through the same thing. I normally don’t care about this but if you’re really going to be harsh I will. I’m still improving with my writing and will continue. All the small or big mistakes I’ve made in my stories I’m going to try edit within few days. All the hate comments are going to be deleted. I had either deleted or drafted most of my stories, I am not too sure if I’m still going to publish them though. If any of you would like someone to talk to you can always dm me privately since I know that some people are going through so much at the moment. This message is under my last chapter of my most recent edited story 


@tokorohai I hope your doing okay! 


Happy Pride month!️‍


            Happy pride monthhh  ️‍


@tokorohai happy pride month :)


Okay so with writing the reverse harem story. From what anime do yall want the characters to be from? 
          -Yarachin b club
          -diabolik lovers


@ tokorohai  Haikyuu 


Hello my lovely simps!
          I’m just going to be honest here, lately I have no motivation to do anything.
          I don’t really have any ideas on who to write about or what to continue, so if anyone would like for me to continue something please tell me!
          Love ye~❤️


@Anime_witch78 Ouu! That would be so nice ^^ at the moment I’m writing a new story that I think will surprise a lot of people haha. But I’ll definitely do that one In the future :)


well i would love for you to continue! i understand that it can get hard sometimes:( hope you feel better soon.