
hey! haven't heard from you in a long time, hope you're doing well and you're enjoying the Love of a Sith :)


Would you by any chance be willing to vote on all of the chapters, just to support the book if you've liked it?  It's recently been submitted for a contest and could honestly use all the support it can get.  Thank you so much, it would mean the world!!


Hello! :)
          Thank you so much for taking your time reading and voting on my book (well, a random source that carries awesome facts - still a book, sure lets go with that) 'The Guidebook of the Galaxy: Facts about Star Wars' it is much appreciated. I realised I haven't followed you and since you spot my eye I have returned the favour! Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you! I hope you have a great day/night you awesome person! 
          And don't forget, May the force with be you [yeah I'm a nerd^.^] 
          - Jay (The Artist)