
I am active again. New chapter for Second thought by Friday dvd new chapter for Soul of an Enigma by tonight. I'm back baby.


Alright everyone, the next 2 chapters (chapter 4 and 5) of Second Thought are up. They took a lot out of me to write so would you please give them a read, vote, comment, leave constructive criticism and feedback, etc, etc. So they are out now. Enjoy and as always, be extraordinary.


Read for read?


I'll return both reads


@titular_ty The Prince's Cinderella and The Undead


What do you want me to read?


To all my followers, and to anyone else that is reading this (can't forget you of course), i am in the process of making a poetry book called "Soul of an Enigma". The first 9 poems have already been published so, go check it out. Don't forget to vote and comment while you're there. Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated and any other conversation in general would (most likely) be entertained. Go read "Soul of an Enigma" now. Enjoy. And as always, be extraordinary.


Okay, everyone, the second chapter of second thought is out as of last night and it is called Unexpected. Please go read it, vote, comment, give me feedback on it and on my writing. Share with everyone you know as well and thank you for everything. The 3rd chapter would be out next week Wednesday for the latest. So as always, be extraordinary and enjoy!


I think I've finished cleared up the technical difficulties so look out for chapter 2 of second thought either today or tomorrow (and chapter 3 soon after ). Also, you're all great people, whether you support me or not. Thank you for being awesome and keep slaying at life.


Okay everyone, the first chapter of the book I'm writing called Second Thought had been published. Please go read it, vote, comment, support, leave done constructive criticism, tell your friends and above all, enjoy it. Hopefully by tonite the second chapter should be out, but for now enjoy Second Thought: the First Encounter.


To all followers, and to anyone that sees this message, the first chapter of my book will be out in roughly 1 week's time or so. A short story, however, should be out in 2-3 days. I hope you're looking forward to what I have to offer, cause in all honesty, I am too. 


@SimranRajkumar trueeee, but like, better late than never 


@titular_ty yah!  Took you long enough, Mr. Jumpy! 