what— what did you say?

did you need help moving all of that?

here — [ she takes the top box from the woman’s stack, hoping to relieve some weight ] where to?

Oh, sorry. I didnt mean to scare you.

No ... [ his voice trailed off as her reaction somehow slightly amused him ] good. No, not really. [ he remained on his spot for a few seconds, never taking his eyes off of her ] actually, you're in my way, miss.

@acterror : [ she shifts somewhat uncomfortably under his gaze, eventually breaking eye contact with him. ] i’m sure. is there something you wanted?

is.. something wrong?

jeez― you alright? you look as if you saw a ghost.

did you call me just now?

( .. ) seriously? how long have you been talking to me.. and uhm— chinese is okay with me, i don’t really mind.

@markleft : you missed that part too. what kind of takeout do you want, is what i also asked. italian, indian, chinese, greek, something else?

hi — i know this is.. kind of weird, but can we talk about something?

you’ve probably been able to guess, but something really isn’t right. sure, i’m not around much in the home setting, but at school? she’s not herself. i mean, i know that’s she’s still readjusting to her old life since.. you know, but i don’t really think it’s that. she comes in everyday with those dark circles and is always nodding off in class, if she stays awake long enough she always ends up with some kind of nosebleed, and i always take her to the bathroom in the middle of class. the other day though, when we were in there? she just.. broke, crying to me how she couldn’t “take it anymore” and she needed the “voices to stop”? i don’t know what that’s about, but i really am worried about her. yeah, she’s gonna probably hate me for coming to you about it, but she’s my friend and i care about her so i thought you should know.

i have a question.

@cursedbound : [ she stared at her daughter for a moment. she saw it all in her eyes, even though the teen would probably disagree that she could. she knew her baby too well. which meant she also knew that if she asked, if she pressed, it would be too much. so she just pressed the softest kiss to her forehead before letting her face go from her gentle hands. ] take a seat. i have lo mein.

i’ll tell him later.. when he’s not as stressed. i just don’t want him making me a priority to worry about is all, you know how he gets.. he even freaks out if i get a paper cut. [ with a soft laugh, she bit the inside of her cheek once she made eye contact with her mom. she wasn’t a crier, no, but she felt a few tears prick at her eyes. swallowing the dry knot in her throat, she nodded rather eagerly at the brunette in front of her. ] i know that, mom — i do.

@cursedbound : i won’t. but he’ll find out, you know. and as much as he’s going through, i don’t encourage you hiding this from him. [ gentle hands cupped her daughter’s face and turned it down some to be able to make proper eye contact with her. ] we will handle this, you hear me? because it is / not / okay.

mom, please tell ruairi you didn’t sell me to him.