
          	I know it's been a long loooong time since I last wrote here in Wattpad,  and for those who want to know the reason behind my disappearance, well, let's say that I've been searching for peace, my inner peace.
          	And, sadly I am not fully prepared to trespass on to Wattpad again since I've been losing my creativity due to all that  has happened these times.
          	Fortunately, I didn't have any problems with our microcrown enemy 
          	(you know who am I referring to) although I'm hoping for everyone to stay safe and healthy, and encourage everyone to wear their masks, sanitize their hands frequently and practice social distancing whenever possible.
          	However, I'll be opneing Wattpad ervery now and then, so, feel free to ask something or to post something here in annoucements.
          	Sorry for the delay of any books or essays, I hope they will come out soon again in the future with a better narration.
          	Stay safe everyone!


          I know it's been a long loooong time since I last wrote here in Wattpad,  and for those who want to know the reason behind my disappearance, well, let's say that I've been searching for peace, my inner peace.
          And, sadly I am not fully prepared to trespass on to Wattpad again since I've been losing my creativity due to all that  has happened these times.
          Fortunately, I didn't have any problems with our microcrown enemy 
          (you know who am I referring to) although I'm hoping for everyone to stay safe and healthy, and encourage everyone to wear their masks, sanitize their hands frequently and practice social distancing whenever possible.
          However, I'll be opneing Wattpad ervery now and then, so, feel free to ask something or to post something here in annoucements.
          Sorry for the delay of any books or essays, I hope they will come out soon again in the future with a better narration.
          Stay safe everyone!


Em flipa la teva descripció... Com fas que les lletres estiguin en una font diferent de les altres? :o


Moltes gràcies♡


@William_Watterson  Utilitzo una eina que es diu messletters.com crec. Escrius el que vols, copies i pegues, i apa! :)


Hola tengo ganas de tirarme un pedo juju


@-ItsXbril  U LOVE YOURSELF!???