
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Someone help me with what stories I should write other than 1882
          The chosen ones are:
          (A book that is based on a school project where we had to make a story it includes: space, space travel, and aliens (ofc))
          Selene Moore and the Trails of Hecate (About a girl during the first pjo books who is a child of Hecate (duh))
          Infinite (a universe where the greek gods have the power of the infinity stones, where the mortal world becomes suspicious of the godly world, the demi-god camps are forced to go into hiding.)
          Yeehaw, ily, please send help i need MotIVAtIOn ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


@tiredkiwi definitely infinite! I would love to read it! 


I forgot to add another book:
            Queen Selene Blackburn of Luna, (Channery accidentally murdered her sister when they were younger, leaving Channery as queen, until she gives birth to Selene and becomes extremely sick, when Channery dies, Selene is left with Luna, and greedy people who try to control her, but Selene grows up to rule Luna by herself, etc, etc)


Hey everyone that is following me (like no one) I wanted to say. I really enjoy the ideas in my head but they are hard to put into words. I am trying my best to continue the stories but I have another story idea as well. :D so many keep coming..