
༄  /   drop starters  !   


UGH  !  i  can’t  believe  YOU  got  to  go  to  the  MAINLAND  after all ! 


* vidia’s eyes widened at her words and actions , raising an eyebrow at tink finished *  ME  ?  being  MEAN  !?  * she also let her wigs lift her off the ground *  i  was  PERFECTLY  fine  before   /  YOU /   came  ALONG ,   TINKERBELL  !  *  she pointed her small finger at her , sending a glare *  YOU  just  had  to  SHOW  UP  and  MESS  THINGS  UP ,  didn’t  YOU  !?  


@fastwings    UGH   ! !    *    tinkerbell’s   fragile   wings   lifted   her   off    the   ground   ,    getting   her in    vidia’   face   out   of   anger   *     maybe   i   DO    make   pots   &    kettles    ,    but   at   least   i   have   something    you    don’t    :     FRIENDS   !   maybe    people   would    actually   like    you   if   you   weren’t   so   MEAN   all   the   time   !  !    


MY  “ useless   whirlwinds  and  breezes “  BROUGHT  YOU  HERE ,  dear  !  * she huffed , crossing her arms as well *   i   MAKE   forces   of   NATURE   and   what   do   you   do  ,  huh  ?    POTS  AND  KETTLES  !   who’s  the  useless  one  now  ,  hm ?