
Apologize for not getting on anymore but i promise I will haha.. It's not like you guys even care anymore... Lol whatever. Just for the people who want to ask i moved schools and am doing great. No more sadness and hatred for myself!! Im super happy thanks to one person who has cone into my life. Sad thing is i wont be able to see him after this year since we are going our separate ways in separate high schools:'( but we're making the best of this year. I also got braces that are very rainbow and actually look cuter somehow..? Idk not to sound selfish. I've changed a lot and actually cringe when reading my book when i realize how cheesy some stuff sounds. Maybe i should write a more realistic love story about me and (not giving out his name)? Idek it's not like anyone reads these anyways. But if you do please text me hi bc i would really like to get back in contact with all mah friends~❤️


Apologize for not getting on anymore but i promise I will haha.. It's not like you guys even care anymore... Lol whatever. Just for the people who want to ask i moved schools and am doing great. No more sadness and hatred for myself!! Im super happy thanks to one person who has cone into my life. Sad thing is i wont be able to see him after this year since we are going our separate ways in separate high schools:'( but we're making the best of this year. I also got braces that are very rainbow and actually look cuter somehow..? Idk not to sound selfish. I've changed a lot and actually cringe when reading my book when i realize how cheesy some stuff sounds. Maybe i should write a more realistic love story about me and (not giving out his name)? Idek it's not like anyone reads these anyways. But if you do please text me hi bc i would really like to get back in contact with all mah friends~❤️


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Okay, so like, um, ah, fuck. My friend is right, I really can't English at all.  ANYWAY. I miss you so much dude, we never talk anymore ): We really should snapchat or something soon, otherwise I'll go CRAZY. Let's catch up, sheerio!!
          Also I realized you're following DrWhoKitty and I was like "Whaaat, she knows meh friend." (She's my neighbor ouo) 


Tiff! Oh my god! I didn't know if you were still on Wattpad or not! Dude, I miss you! Well, hope you have a nice day!! :3  p.s. I read your post and I got to say I would have never thought you were dead, I mean your too AWESOME to die!!


Yeah I read your book! It's really good. :)


 ZOE!!!!!! HAVE YOU READ MY BOOK??? I'm so happy you finally got a wattpad!!


Dude there is like only one Zoe you know! And she is like the most awesome person you have ever met. And that is MEEEEEEE!!! But to answer your question, yes. This is Zoe.