
Just updated my story! Thank you for all the reads really means a lot. & I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! -Kate 


So I changed my name from peacefrogrocks to thisgirlkatekat because it's more me now that I'm older still the same account though but, hoping to be making some changes soon. So don't be shocked if thinks change.! Just a heads up y'all 


Hello wattpad followers\readers I just wanted to wish y'all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays as well as a great new year. Things on my account will change such as I will try my hardest to get a new chapter up each month for one of my stores. I don't know what day i will do it on or the date. It all really depends on how things go at school and other things. Anyway thats all for now. 
          P.S.- I hope everyone gets one thing they wanted for Christmas. 
          Kate xx


Quick little authors note for you guys: 
          Thank you so much for 14.5K reads which is amazing. Thank you all so very much.! 
          Another thing is that I just recently started high school as a freshman. And due to that I have not have had much time to update my fan fiction so my updates make take a lot longer. But, please please hang in there with me because I don't want y'all to think I'm never gonna update again.! Which isn't true I plan to update like a lot more.! I will start working on my next big chapter for 1D is my best friends.? Very soon.! Thank you all that's all for now.! -Kate


Sorry I have updated in a while I start back to school next Wednesday I'm not ready to go back yet. I will try to update before than. I have to finish writing this chapter. And I will try to start updating my other fan fictions to. Only if you guys are a bit more active like comment what you think and pitch me a few ideas please thank you. You don't have to but I would love you guys to do that. Y'all are amazing I have 13.8k reads which is amazing almost 14k reads. I never in a million years my fan fiction would get read that many times. Thank you all so so much I love you all so much. 
          Have any questions about my fan fictions leave them below I shall try to answer them the best I can. Be sure to tell me which one your asking the question about please (: 
          Q & A:   What fan fiction I have written is your favorite.? Who is your favorite character in it and why.? 