
On chapter 18/30 of book 1 of my the 100 fic. I think I’m gonna post a sample just to see what kind of reception it gets once it’s done.


I’ve made the decision to unpublish my Negan fic “Mine Now”. It’s something I’ve been thinking about doing for awhile now. I started it 4 years ago and have since grown as a person and a writer. The story isn’t entirely fleshed out, and I really want to have a chance to edit and complete it before I put it up to read. I’ve realized that whenever it gets new readers, I’m embarrassed. So I’ve taken it down for now. Right now, I’m really trying to knock out this untitled The 100 fic, and that’s something I’m invested in for the time being. So a complete edit/rewrite of “Mine Now” is on the back burner. 


It’s also worth noting that, I was a college student with 2-4 classes a week when I started writing “MN”. I now work 40 hours a week, full time. So, unfortunately, finding time to write consistently is difficult. This is also why I’ve made the decision to write my entire The 100 fic BEFORE publishing it.


Oh my God I just thought of a MAJORRRR plot twist that would change the entire course of my T100 fanfic and it’a doable, but that would mean changing A LOT in books 2&3, and I really don’t know if I want to do it.


ugh wait I don’t know how to work it into one of the season’s plot lines. 


Still working on Books 1-3 of my The 100 fic. An emotional rollercoaster, tbh, because I’ll be writing happy scenes like Unity Day fun, then I’ll go and write Marcus Kane’s death and cry.  I’m just jumping around everywhere and hopefully it’ll all come together like a puzzle in the end. 


"Mine Now" in on an indefinite hold, but I've currently got a The 100 fanfic in the works. (Bellamy x OC x Roan). I'm really excited about it, but it'll be a while until I release it. I want to get really far ahead before committing to releasing it!  Working on Chapter 4 and 5 right now. Ideally I'll have completed Book 1 before releasing it.


And omg just realized I've had this fic in the works for two years. Welcome to adulthood where writing isn't my career, I guess.