
Hey, I have some bad news.  So my mom overheard my sister joking about all the smut on wattpad (note: my sister’s never been on the app so she’s only basing this off what she’s heard which is that it’s basically cornhub the second) so now she’s making me delete the app.  I know, “my mom told me to delete this app” sounds so juvenile but she’s just really strict with this kind of stuff despite the fact I’m a teenager and have seen it all a thousand times.  I’ll do what I can to prove her wrong and convince her otherwise but for now I’ll be gone.  I’m hoping I’m able to get it back but if not, thank you guys so much for all the support you’ve given me.  Posting stories on this app has boosted my confidence so much and has even made me hope to publish actual books some day.  I don’t know where I’d be without your support, thank you guys so much for everything.  I’ve met some of the sweetest people ever on here and I’ve even cried out of joy from someone’s comments before.  As I’ve said, being on this app has boosted my confidence a TON and that’s coming from someone with a low self image.  Goodbye for now, I hope to be back as soon as possible.  Love ya <3


@theusualbizarre nooo. I hope you get the app back. In the meantime.. I hope you have a good life


Hellohello I have returned!! I forgot the password to theusualbizarre so I had to make a new account, isn’t that lovely /sarc.  Anywho I’m probably not gonna be as active on here as I was before but yeah here I am 




Hey, I have some bad news.  So my mom overheard my sister joking about all the smut on wattpad (note: my sister’s never been on the app so she’s only basing this off what she’s heard which is that it’s basically cornhub the second) so now she’s making me delete the app.  I know, “my mom told me to delete this app” sounds so juvenile but she’s just really strict with this kind of stuff despite the fact I’m a teenager and have seen it all a thousand times.  I’ll do what I can to prove her wrong and convince her otherwise but for now I’ll be gone.  I’m hoping I’m able to get it back but if not, thank you guys so much for all the support you’ve given me.  Posting stories on this app has boosted my confidence so much and has even made me hope to publish actual books some day.  I don’t know where I’d be without your support, thank you guys so much for everything.  I’ve met some of the sweetest people ever on here and I’ve even cried out of joy from someone’s comments before.  As I’ve said, being on this app has boosted my confidence a TON and that’s coming from someone with a low self image.  Goodbye for now, I hope to be back as soon as possible.  Love ya <3


@theusualbizarre nooo. I hope you get the app back. In the meantime.. I hope you have a good life


Hello hello! I kinda forgot about wattpad  for quite a while (somehow)+ depression and junk so I haven’t been on here in a while but here I am. I’m working on a book that’s basically my tommatt ghost oneshot with different characters and plot points but it’s on my school-issued laptop in which wattpad is blocked so idrk if I’d be able to post it but yeah I’m not dead 


And about the comic: I genuinely have no idea when I’m gunna be able to get that out cuz I’ve had absolutely no motivation to even think about working on it for like a month but ya I’m probably not gunna give up so there’s still hope 


Pretty sure I’m at my breaking point <33 shoutout to the people that tolerate me and my irrational fear of the afterlife for keeping me alive 


And my mom has trauma when it comes to therapists and mental doctors (my family has a bad history with add1ction to antidepressants and other anti-stress meds that have been prescribed to them causing my uncle to pass away) plus financial issues so no therapy 4 me!! I understand where she’s coming from though, her feelings are totally valid 


There so much ice where I am rn and all my teachers were like “oh yeah we won’t be having school tomorrow!!!” Yesterday and then like at 8 pm last night they called a 2 hour delay and said they’d most likely be changing it to a snow day but then some stupid parent complained so here I am in school wanting to kms  /hj 


Ugh my cat emojis didn’t show up 