Hi, my name is Molly and if you don't know me, which is perfectly fine I don't see why anyone would want to know me, ha, I'm very much a fan of music. I absolutely adore the decade of the sixties(Seventies and eighties sometimes too) and if you try to tell me reasons to think differently, it won't work. I love the music, fashion, culture so on so forth. My favorite band is the Beatles following them are Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Velvet Underground and Peter, Paul and Mary. But believe me I like hundreds of more bands. Considering this site is for me, mostly fanfiction, if curious yes, I do ship someone. John Lennon and Paul McCartney are who I ship, most call it "McLennon" but being honest, I have tried not to call it that. Oops. They are my "One True Pairing" or OTP. Even if they didn't do all the randy things people write about, I highly believe John did love Paul, even if the feelings were not mutual. In general, I like Beatles fanfiction but some other things too. So, this seems to be dragging on and none of you probably give a shite but that's alright. Ta for reading and maybe I'll chat with you later. Who knows. Maybe, I'll write some fanfiction(That will probably suck beyond belief). Anyways, goodbye for now.

Peace and Love ~
  • Pepperland
  • JoinedJuly 11, 2012
