
I really love your work!!! And one question,  are you a fangirl of Brick, or do you just ship Blossick?


Me too! Well, obviously because of my name. My picture is kind or what I look like irl.


@BrickFangirl10  Thanks! And yes Im a big fan girl for Brick! 


Hey! I just wanted to ask you a few questions on your book, and your shipping opinions.  You can answer if you want to its completely up to you but I would deeply appreciate it. 
          1. In your book who is going to be the main ship? Boomubbles? Butchercup? Blossick?
          2. Which ship of your favourite? (PS: I'm mainly a butchercup fan ;)  )
          3. Which Ship has the best relationship out of all of them?? 
          If you answer my questions I will be so grateful but if you don't I will understand and will be completely fine with it. I also want to say I really love your book and I will follow you to keep up with the updates good job with writing this book because so far it is 
          turning out amazing


            1. It would mostly be Blossick, Butchercup following right after
            2. Blossick ;)
            3.honestly I would have to believe it would be Boomubbles. Lmao 
            Thanks for reading my book I really appreciate it!! <3