
haha pp


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Sorry guys just gotta get this on paper. You absolutely do NOT have to read this lol. I know no one cares and that's why I'm using this as a vent account! No one I know in real life knows this account which is great! Anyway not to b dramatic but I'm literally the ugliest most feral person on the planet. Idk my face is just weird looking and I have disgusting skin and acne and I'm just out here looking this bad. It's Gucci I just never want to be photographed again in my entire life :) and it makes me mad because all of my friends are so beautiful and funny and talented and interesting and epic and smart, and I'm just over here chilling, just being annoying, boring and ugly :) I just wish I was a more likable person. I'm just kinda scared of being left out and I have major FOMO so I talk so much because I'm scared of silence and I'm super clingy so I don't get left out. But then halfway through hanging out w my friends I'm life o shit I'm being annoying they're never gonna want to hang out with me again I have to shut up and distance myself from the group. And then for some reason my brain is like I want MORE attention gotta pretend to be sad to get attention and I'm like no I've gotta distance myself and be quiet. SO then I get sad accidentally and now because I've distanced myself I'm even more sad. And no one really ever seems to ask if I'm ok anyway so it's chill. Idk just guess I'm an attention seeking slut!! cool cool cool! I'm hanging out w a new group of friends and because I just joined I'm the least close with everyone and I'm just kinda on the outside. But it is absolutely chill. I am chill. I am gucci. I'm just an attention seeking annoying dumb bitch! cool cool cool


i went ice skating w my friends and it was v fun and one of my friends was holding my hands and skating backwards to try help me and it was vvv fun and I was v happy :) also me and my other friend won the dancing comp by doing that lasso dance move and it was epic


i know that no one cares but I kind of want to be able to write this somewhere where no one I know will see it :) idk man I'm just so happy rn I'm just chilling by myself and its,, I feel so giddy? I'm preforming some good songs in my kitchen and I looked in the mirror and?? I went,,,, bro I'm not as ugly as I think, maybe my smile isn't that bad and maybe my skin isn't that horrible even though it has scars all over it,,,, idk I feel giddy and happy?? Music is so good? I'm supposed to be doing homework because my school is moving and we have to work from home for 3 days but I'm just,,,, too happy? And I'm eating fruit and it's so nicee?? And it's a little windy outside but I think I'm gonna go for a walk. Yes I'm gonna go for a walk right now goodbye


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i was at the record shop right? Buying Beatles shit because the Beatles are sick, and I'm very quietly singing along to the Beatles songs they're playing over the radio and I keep making eye contact with the boi at the counter and we're both mouthing the words and im like broooooo, and when i get to the counter the lady's like "how much is this?" because everything's half off and me and the boi say "17.50" at the same tIMe and we laugh and it was a bit cute I guess (he might have been a couple years older than me though idk m8)


Today I was at a Shakespeare audition and I was going over lines with one other friend and we're not very close but, idk it was really fun. She was playing lady Macbeth and her character talks about boobs and she was following me while reading intensely and then we slow danced for no reason??  It was fun? We did the whole she asked to dance and I said I don't know how and then she said I'll teach you and it was really fun and I was really happy for some reason idk I just want to write this down so I remember it


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It was a fucking great Wednesday!! I was so happy!! The bus went round a round about like 6 times for some reason and I saw my mum and me and my other friends couldn’t stop laughing and smiling it was just yeah!! I was very happy yesterday