
Sorry for the inactivity, I won't be using Wattpad as much for stories anymore, maybe I'll just do more reading, and maybe respond to some messages if I can. 


I know no one cares. But, I'm dealing with a lot of depressing things right now, and may not write for a while. Thank you for all of the support and follows, I'm not dead, just in active. 


@thehorroswithin777 : Sorry to hear that - You were sharing some interesting ideas last year :-)   I'm also off Wattpad at the moment (saw this in my email feed) and not likely to be back soon (work pressure). In the meantime, I hope things pickup for you ...    Best wishes, Lee


I would like to let everyone know, that I need an editor for my stories. By editor, I basically mean someone to proof read my stories or chapters. For instance, just checking spelling/grammar/punctation mistakes. So, if I mange to find my old password to my account, will allow the first man who accepts the application to have an ownership of my account. If anyone knows any other ways for someone to edit my stories, please notify me.