
I'm scared. 
          	Society is scaring me. 
          	Why do people get such a thrill from scaring others? Why do we have to live in a world where we have to wake up scared? Why do we have to live in a world where we have to be scared of going to work or school? Why do we have to be scared of every little thing? Is living in fear considered to be living life at all? What's the point of living like this anymore???
          	I just don't understand why people do dumb things like this anymore. Shouldn't our focus in life be to make others happy, follow our goals, and just live life? How does violence help anyone? Right now, I'm having nightmares. 
          	So many people, women, men, little children, we all have to be scared. Scared of many things actually. We have to be scared of others judging us. We have to be scared of what others will think of us. We have to be scared of losing the ones nearest to us. We have to be scared of getting bad scores. We have to be scared of our expectations. We have to be scared of losing our jobs. We have to be scared of getting in trouble. 
          	But most of those things, I mean its getting worse now, but through all these years, people have had to deal with this ish.
          	But now? People have to be afraid to go to school because of school shootings. People have to be afraid of walking home alone in the dark, because of the murderers and other cruel people out there. 
          	Why? Just why is society like this now? Why are people like this now? 
          	I just don't get it. 
          	Why can't we just support each other without being on "sides?"
          	Why can't we just forgive and accept?
          	Why can't we just think about others before ourselves?
          	I know I'm being a hypocrite about the last one. And to all the people who know me, I'm sorry. I WILL actually try to fix myself and become more caring. But I just give up though. I don't see why I have to change myself just because of society. 
          	I don't know anymore. I don't know anything anymore. And so I'm sorry. Just sorry for everything. 


wow thats some deep shiteu. thank you


It’s ok everyone feels like they have to change in order to please society, but the only person you need to please is yourself.


Wait are you a boy or a girl


Yeah but he's my husband too


@Reallyweird1 bros even tho i LOVE namjoon, i’m the fake NAM JOO HYUK. from weightlifting fairy kim bok joo?


Because you're the fake namjoon and namjoon is my husband


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@-iOpenAtTheClose-934 honestly same tho. I'm gonna be lonely forever, but it's ok there's always icecream.