
Everything has its end.
          	This one is mine.
          	I will not be engaging in much of reading in this wonderful sea of stories. This isn't a goodbye, just an end and another beginning.


Thank you for adding SCP {The SCP That United Them All} (entered in the Watty2021) to your reading list, I hope you enjoy! Also, I would like to tell you, Deadpool Vs. The SCP Universe & SCP Copycat have began uploading, please feel free to check them out!


Well now, you didn't think I was dead now, didja? I am back!! (with an even lower IQ than I was before) Summer was tough, boring, and worst of all unmotivated.


Thought I was gone? Wrong again.
            Though this time I have depleted any of my momentum to ever continue.
            I'll still visit this place when I can