
@hellofriend69   I didn't mean to go off like That.  I'm so so sorry!  I was just haveing a bad day and I took it out on you.  I'm so sorry.  I understand where you were coming from, but maybe just word it differently.  Again, I am so so sorry!!      Can any of my followers reach out to them and tell them to read this??  I'm so sorry!


@hellofriend69   I didn't mean to go off like That.  I'm so so sorry!  I was just haveing a bad day and I took it out on you.  I'm so sorry.  I understand where you were coming from, but maybe just word it differently.  Again, I am so so sorry!!      Can any of my followers reach out to them and tell them to read this??  I'm so sorry!


1. Close your left hand
          2. Find the different number
          3. Make 2 wishes
          4. Send this to 15 different people
          5. After sending, open your left hand and look at it
          (I'm really bored so I'm sending this to my favorite accounts because why not) 


I was planning on coming out to my boyfriend as Pansexual tonight, but I asked him if he supported lgbtq, and he said "No.  Well, I don't support, but I don't disagree.  It's complicated."  WHAT DO I DO NOW?!  I'm also pretty sure that he's been manipulating me and guilt-tripping me, but idk for sure.  If anyone has ANY advice on what to do, please let me know! I don't wanna break up with him because he's one of the best things that ever happened to me and he's one of the only reasons I'm alive rn, and I love him with everything I have, but I know this isn't healthy.  What should I do?


Thank you so much.. That means so much, but I have no clue how to distance myself.


I’m probably not gonna have the best advice, but, try to slowly distance yourself. And when he asks why, tell him the truth. Because sweetie heaven knows he was only good for you in the first while. Sure, he could be “one of the best things that happens to you”. It’s not healthy, and I’m proud of you for knowing that. If you think he’s a manipulator, leave him as fast as possible. Trust me, you don’t wanna stay with someone who could turn into a potential abuser, it’s damaging. Also about the coming out, if I was you and I found out he doesn’t support, I’d leave him. I wish you the best of luck darling, and hopefully everything turns out ok <33


"How long have you been clean?"  "Over a year ago."  "I can't even remember."  "Are you hungry?"  "No."  "Not really"  "I'm good"  "Can you show me your arms?"  "I'm sorry, but it's really cold in here."
          Why can't I just be like everyone else?  I want to be confident.  I want to feel.  I don't feel anything.  No pain, emotions, nothing.  I try to make myself feel something.  I can't.  It's all fake.  The last time I felt something, was when I was 13, and got shot.  Even then, I was only worried about my cousin, who was shot, too.  I hate it.


It's nice to know someone who has shared experience.  I'm sorry that happened to you.


I went numb in 2017 that’s when I had my atv wreck, i relized that the only reason my doner “cared” was because he was guilty cause his sister caused it. Then more problems with him that I rather not say. And I’m sorry that happened to you. All i feel is sadness and anger I have to force a smile and laugh. 


a star has five ends. a square has four ends. a triangle has
          three ends. a line has two ends, but the circle of our friendship
          has two ends. send this to all of your friends (including me if
          i'm one). if you get five back, you're a good friend. if you get
          ten back, you're popular, and if you get fifteen back, then