
Love is infinite let’s basque in it 


Everything is situational 
          I once dated a man who said that if he ever were to propose, he would never get down on one knee because a man should never bow down to a woman
          I once dated a man who said that it was beyond necessary to bow down to women, not just the one that you choose to propose to but he explained that the creators of the world deserve to be bowed to, just as the protectors of the world deserve to be bowed to …. not in a proposal but in the form of appreciation. 
          I say this to say that you should never conform your thinking to be a better fit for one particular person. There’s a person who’s thinking aligns with yours. Find them. 


this message may be offensive
Why do men who barely know me get so comfortable asking me for favors while having done nothing for me 
          I don’t ask a soul for anything yet men who have not offered to enhance my peace, offer me compassion, comfort, support, or anything at all have the nerve to ask me something like huh? lol 
          I could be dying inside but as long as I can lay on my back and get fucked I’ll be useful.


If it is commitment that you want…
          Why continually show up for a man to play the role of a girlfriend while he continues to remind you that you’re single?
          We all would love to have a job that continues to show us a direct deposit while we continue to remind them we will not show up for work but no employer is that stupid…
          So why would you be… 


When a man isn’t giving you anything (emotional security, commitment, complimenting you, encouraging you, loving you out loud) 
          BUT asking you for all that you have to give ( 24/7 dependability, your feminine comfort, money favors)
           his plan is to use you for however long you allow it not to care for you