
Hey, it's been a while... Honestly looking back on my old posts her I've changed a lot. I'm almost in my senior year of high school. I'm swamped with work, but writing has sort of become a vent thing for me. So maybe I'll get back into posting again soon, hopefully these stories will be Better quality too. Looking back on my first story I still cringe, but people still enjoy it and it's nice to see how I've grown. I have so many ideas but so little time to sit down and plan them out. I will probably try to finish the ideas I have most of the way before posting so you all aren't waiting too long if I lose ideas, or get busy. I definitely want to clean them all up before publishing too. I'll have one story up as a vent book though, posting on that whenever... Welp, Thank you to everyone who's stuck around this long, and to all the new people joining.


Hey, it's been a while... Honestly looking back on my old posts her I've changed a lot. I'm almost in my senior year of high school. I'm swamped with work, but writing has sort of become a vent thing for me. So maybe I'll get back into posting again soon, hopefully these stories will be Better quality too. Looking back on my first story I still cringe, but people still enjoy it and it's nice to see how I've grown. I have so many ideas but so little time to sit down and plan them out. I will probably try to finish the ideas I have most of the way before posting so you all aren't waiting too long if I lose ideas, or get busy. I definitely want to clean them all up before publishing too. I'll have one story up as a vent book though, posting on that whenever... Welp, Thank you to everyone who's stuck around this long, and to all the new people joining.


A white man said,
          "Colored people are not allowed here."
          The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:
          "Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK
          When I grew up I was BLACK,
          When I'm sick I'm BLACK,
          When I go in the sun I'm BLACK,
          When I'm cold I'm BLACK,
          When I die I'll be BLACK.
          But you sir.
          When you are born you're PINK
          When you grow up you're WHITE,
          When you're sick, you're GREEN,
          When you go in the sun you turn RED,
          When you're cold you turn BLUE,
          And when you die you turn PURPLE.
          And you have the nerve to call me colored?"
          *Paste this on your profile if you dislike racist people*