
... why can I suddenly see message board notifications... and can someone help me get rid of them...?????


Most of us are getting em. Can’t get rid of em as it’s the new update. Kinda frustrating if you ask me. Its pissing me off big time. 


Hi. I would like to join. I’m sort of a fandom jumper of sorts as well as I have many movies and stuff I’m interested in. 
          I’m HpMarvelFan1234. Obvious two things I’m obsessed with is Harry Potter and marvel but also things like twilight, teen wolf, the maze runner, descendants, ect. Probs more Idek at this point. There is a lot. I’ve had a lot of phases and it depends on how I feel for what I read. 
          I sometimes write but have really bad writers block, or am really busy or even just getting distracted often that I barely update. I’m fairly certain that I have not updated one of my stories for at least a month or two. I have moved continents recently and just moved into my new home. And that’s me. Bye ✌️ 


... why can I suddenly see message board notifications... and can someone help me get rid of them...?????


Most of us are getting em. Can’t get rid of em as it’s the new update. Kinda frustrating if you ask me. Its pissing me off big time. 