
Merry Christmas Eve!


          	  Wait no seriously is she?


@the_dumb_blonde03 the last thing she ever announced.


I have a great blonde joke,  
                 A blonde, brunette and a redhead were walking through a forest,  then a guy dressed in black stopped them and held them at gunpoint.   He told them all to find a piece of fruit and shove it all the way up their noses,  if they do that he will let them live,  if not he will kill them.   So they all head out and the redhead comes back with a grape,  she tries to fit it up her nose but it doesn't fit. 
                The brunet comes back with a blueberry, she almost shoved the blueberry up her nose completely until when laughed. 
                The brunette and the redhead were sitting up ⬆n the after life when the redhead asked the brunette,  "why did you laugh, you could have lived" 
                The brunette responded, " Well,  I was doing just fine until I saw that blonde was carrying a watermelon. 


I have a great blonde joke,  
                 A blonde, brunette and a redhead were walking through a forest,  then a guy dressed in black stopped them and held them at gunpoint.   He told them all to find a piece of fruit and shove it all the way up their noses,  if they do that he will let them live,  if not he will kill them.   So they all head out and the redhead comes back with a grape,  she tries to fit it up her nose but it doesn't fit. 
                The brunet comes back with a blueberry, she almost shoved the blueberry up her nose completely until when laughed. 
                The brunette and the redhead were sitting up ⬆n the after life when the redhead asked the brunette,  "why did you laugh, you could have lived" 
                The brunette responded, " Well,  I was doing just fine until I saw that blonde was carrying a watermelon.