
Sorry for lack of uploads/updates. I don't have Internet currently and it's sort of hard to get to the library. I promise I'll have uploads soon. 


I'm slowly progressing through "Hearing Presence." I have a few chapters to upload tomorrow night for those who are reading. I'm very excited for this story and the places it will take me.
          I'm also beginning an edit of "Fire and Ice: A Twist In the Conspiracy." I plan on completing the novel with this edit (I didn't quite like how it was going). There will be two more parts in the novel before it is completed. I'm not sure when I'll start posting the edit (I think once I've finished editing Part I would be best) so keep your eyes peeled for the new and improved "Fire and Ice".
          Temporarily "Fallen" is on hold.
          As for "Anywhere But Here" that is something I typically will only add to when I write a new poem - which is only when I have an urge to, virtually when something happens or I have an idea. It is not something I will have set chapters to upload every week.
          I'm also playing around with a few new story ideas in my head, but I haven't started anything new and I'm not sure if (or when) I will put fingers to keys. I have a lot on my plate right now (as both an author and an everyday person) so we will just have to wait and see.
          Also, I'm going out of town from the 8th to the 12th, and I'm not sure how much writing I'm going to get in so there might not be an update or uploads next week. We will have to see next week.
          As for now, have a good week, avid writers!


I've been working really hard to get back into the swing of writing. A lot has been going on, and I got some very bad news the other day regarding a family member, but I still want to focus on my writing, my novels, and my career. This has been an amazing, hard journey, and it's only the beginning. I don't know where the road is going to take me, but I'm sure it's going to be full of adventures and obstacles, but no matter what it throws at me, I'm going to find my way through it. Writing is my passion, and no matter how stuck I get, no matter how often I get writer's block, no matter how little time I have, I'm always going to write. This is what I do. This is who I am. And no one, or nothing, is going to change that.


Hi Amanda, Many thanks for adding The 'Cousins' to your reading list. I hope you will continue to read and enjoy the story- it's a long one and not finished yet. I note you live in a small town in Oregon, a large state but anywhere near Coos Bay? I used to trade there years ago loading forest products to take to Australia. Great Place and good people. Best Wishes. Hobnails


It's no problem at all :) It sounded like a very interesting read.  I haven't started it yet, but I hope I do soon, and I definitely hope I enjoy it! And actually, I do live near Coos Bay. I live about 75 miles away from there in the small town of Drain. It is a neat little place. |Amanda|


So I plan on doing weekly updates of my stories every Tuesday at around 11 o'clock at night. I want to post new chapters for the stories I'm currently working on. That way I'm not uploading chapters here and there. It will be a lot easier to chart my progress.
          I also plan on updating my friends on here every few days or so... (Perhaps Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays?) on here to let them know what I am up to. I think this will work out the best. I'm a very busy person and I can't dedicate all of my time to Wattpad, so this will be best for me :)
          Have a good day.