


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Ugghhhh. So all I expect from people is respect. Maybe some reason ability. oh and if you were going to ask me for help you know I expect them to listen and care about what I have to say and you know maybe take my advice every once in awhile. Soooooooooooooooo why the fuck is that so hard for people to do I understand that I can be unreasonable and I can be an asswhole and I can be a narcissistic jack ass with a god complex.but I try not to do that you know what's most people should most people should try and be the best they can be and I try my f****** hardest so why do I have so many problems still? I'm sorry I'm confused right now. I mean for God's sake. I just like if you're going to be a person and be reasonable then I have all the time in the world for you. but if you're going to be unreasonable and you're going to be fake you're not going to listen or care about a word I say why do I bother. I just I just don't understand. I'm sorry for like making you read a million miles a text that's just me ranting. But thanks for reading this far. I'll see you guys later I guess. Just yeah bye guys


Yay! I made it to be 17 years old. Today is my birthday!