
I'm just going to keep this short and sweet, THE LIST WILL BE UNPUBLISHED FOR NOW. I still have to make major edits to it. Like lots of editing. Don't worry, it'll be back soon. Xoxo, Mapgrace 


Soooooooo Heyyyy people of Wattpad 
          My name is Map.
          Yes, you heard or, read rather, that right. M-A-P
          I'm starting to write stuff here because apparently it allows me to- I don't know- tell stories to people I don't know. 
          Anyway, I hope you enjoy the stories I write here. I don't care if you guys don't vote for them (but I'd really appreciate it if you would), I just want to putl the random ideas that pop into my head into writing. 
          So, I can't guarantee you amazing writing since I'm just 13 years old but if you think you can help me improve the stories I write, do comment 