
Tomorrows my birthday.....I am not ready


Hey. I am writing a fan fic...a Ryan Ross x reader...and I need some help seeing if the first chapter is...ok...I can copy and paste it so if you want to see if it's can dm me if you want to read what I have... personally it trash so far...


@smol-ryro ok..I can see if it will fit in a text..
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@thatoneweirdkid14 I'm fine with reading it and help to see if it's okay
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I am horrible
          And I did something that I don't want people at my school to know that I did that to myself....
          I need someone to talk to.. 
          Can someone on here talk to me


Hey, I’m here for ya
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@thatoneweirdkid14 I'm totally down to talk. Im sorry if I'm not to active but I can talk to you if you want, just message me of you want to :)
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