
Hi, friends! I have not forgotten about this account nor have I forgotten about my work. Writing clearly has been put on the back burner lately. Life has been expectedly and unexpectedly busy. From wedding planning to traveling to just general every day life, I haven't had much time to seriously sit down and write or even think about writing. I truly appreciate your patience and your support. I'm going to try my best to be more "digitally present". Be on the lookout for things to come hopefully in the near future. 
          	Also, I have a lot of notifications that have been neglected. I promise to respond to the many of you soon.
          	Much love, M.


@thatfangirlauthor hello there...I hope u will have the time to finish the story. I really enjoyed it..pls dont waste such a beautiful storyline..


@misha176 Let me first apologize for not responding much sooner to you. I have neglected this account and my stories. I feel awful since clearly I still have readers, like yourself, who encourage me to continue writing.  I promise that I will update and finish the story. Life has just been crazy with work and wedding planning.


@thatfangirlauthor  Looking forward to a new update for State of Confusion. Love your work!


Hi I hope everything is fine . Just requesting you to complete your story state of confusion. It is such an amazing one . Although I can see that you have not updated for more than 3 years . But deep down I am still hoping that you do complete this one ❤️


Hi ! Sorry for bothering you, it’s year 2020 I know it’s been a long time since your last update with your story “ State of Confusion “. I’m hoping there will be a continuation with your extraordinary story, it’s so beautiful and intriguing. I’m one of the many fan of yours here in Wattpad just to let you know we will be hoping & patiently waiting for the update ☺️. 
          Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Hi, friends! I have not forgotten about this account nor have I forgotten about my work. Writing clearly has been put on the back burner lately. Life has been expectedly and unexpectedly busy. From wedding planning to traveling to just general every day life, I haven't had much time to seriously sit down and write or even think about writing. I truly appreciate your patience and your support. I'm going to try my best to be more "digitally present". Be on the lookout for things to come hopefully in the near future. 
          Also, I have a lot of notifications that have been neglected. I promise to respond to the many of you soon.
          Much love, M.


@thatfangirlauthor hello there...I hope u will have the time to finish the story. I really enjoyed it..pls dont waste such a beautiful storyline..


@misha176 Let me first apologize for not responding much sooner to you. I have neglected this account and my stories. I feel awful since clearly I still have readers, like yourself, who encourage me to continue writing.  I promise that I will update and finish the story. Life has just been crazy with work and wedding planning.


@thatfangirlauthor  Looking forward to a new update for State of Confusion. Love your work!


No, your eyes are not deceiving you. I have UPDATED State of Confusion with a new chapter. I really hope you guys like it. I haven't done much writing in a long time so sorry if it's not great, but I found motivation and cranked this one out last night and partially this morning. 
          I'm thinking maybe two more chapters are left in this story, but I'm not certain on that. I know where it is going to go and how it will end, but be patient with me. I have a lot going on and a lot of traveling to do soon so writing will come when I find time.
          Thanks for being supportive and bearing with me over the dry months.
          - M