
Hey guys!!! 
          	How have you been?
          	I've practically been a ghost the past month so I just thought I'd check up on yall at 3:27am while I'm crying my heart out because I'm busy reading 'The Hoodie girl' and awaiting the hell that Imma have to face on the 22nd of July
          	If you guys want someone to listen/talk to my annoying ass is at your service
          	If you have any damn clue what I should do for my book that is honestly a piece of crap right now please let me know
          	But on that note have a great day/rest of your day/night


          I am a writer and have been trying to get my work around and am currently working on a book which has like 20 chapters published. But its really hard for me to garner attention towards it as its not a love story. Its a new take on a upper middle class girl's life. I hope you will give it a try.
          Thanking you


RnoomaQueen Queenfamily :
          Keep working on those things that no one can take away from you: your character, your personality, your kindness. That's all you. 
          Trust yourself. You've survived a lot, and you'll survive whatever is coming. 
          Develop a strong opinion about yourself so that you don't accidentally start believing what others say about you. 
          Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. 
          If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.. 
          You are talented and motivated, even when you're tired and frustrated. Be patient with yourself, I'm so proud of the person you have become! 
          Build your body.
          Build your value.
          Build your wealth.
          Build your muscles.
          Build your mindset.
          Build your network. 
          Build your business.
          Build your character.
          Build your discipline. 
          Build your resilience.
          Build your confidence.
          Always keep building....
          Lucky people get opportunities....
          Brave people create opportunities....
          But, real Winners are those who convert their problems into opportunities...
          No matter how impossible your day feels, keep showing up. Be proud of your consistency 
          Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. 
          You’ll have many opportunities to change the mood, 
          but you’ll never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke.
          You should never give up. No matter how hard the situation is, always believe that something beautiful is going to happen. 
          Failures happen, 
          setbacks happen, 
          keep going because eventually 
          victories happen, 
          accomplishments happen.
          Never finish a negative statement; reverse it immediately and wonders will happen in your life. 



Hey guys!!! 
          How have you been?
          I've practically been a ghost the past month so I just thought I'd check up on yall at 3:27am while I'm crying my heart out because I'm busy reading 'The Hoodie girl' and awaiting the hell that Imma have to face on the 22nd of July
          If you guys want someone to listen/talk to my annoying ass is at your service
          If you have any damn clue what I should do for my book that is honestly a piece of crap right now please let me know
          But on that note have a great day/rest of your day/night


Hey guys!!!!
          How are you doing you amazing masterpiece?
          Have an amazing day/rest of your day/night❤️
          I wish you well for all you classes and exams as well as just everything happening in your life right now
          May you receive all that you wish for✨
          And honey if you need someone to talk to or just to listen I'm here
          No matter what your going through I'm willing to lend an ear and some advice if that's what you want... Yeah I'm 14 but I sure know alot about life, love, heartbreak, betral and the cruelty of the world
          Age is just a number
          As our Afrikaans teacher has in her class
          You body shape does not define you
          Your friends do not define you
          Your story and background does not define you
          You age and grade don't change how mature and advanced you are compared to others
          Love you guysssss❤️❤️


Truer words were never spoken. We all go through some type of drama, and some of us go through trauma… it all depends on our outlook and faith how we come through it. Life is not fair, it is extremely fickle. Stay strong and move forward. 


PART 3/4 of my rant
          (Please read the first 3 parts and sorry I thought it'd be 3 parts not 4...)
          Anyway if you've read this far then I hope you understand where Im coming from and if you need more expansion please ask instead of assuming(As it would be much appreciated)
          Tell everyone you know and care that your their for them today and see if they reply with something similar or just leave you on read because if they don't support you or care then that's their loss boo❤️
          Love You Stranger
          Have a great day/evening/afternoon/day!!!!
          P.S. If you want to vent I'm here
          P.P.S.Sending you hugs and chocolates wherever you are


@Dragonstorm1 you too! The world needs more positive people like you!! 


Hugs and Blessings! Stay strong!


Part 3/3 of my rant
          ' You might not know me yet but one day you might
          My future was set in stone the moment I was born... Because I'm seen as the weakest among many but seen as the strongest by many more... You may not realize who I am now BUT I can assure you that you will eventually whether it is for my title,my connections or how you treated me in my life...Ive been told to forgive and forget but forgiving is one thing... Forgetting is a totally different thing as I will never let go the memories you gave me of you as it wa syiur choice not mine and I shall not be the one to pay for your mistake as that is your duty to for fill as mine is to make sure you never hurt anyone like you hurt me'
          I apologise for the rambling post if anyone actually reads this far but my point is:
          'Your skin colour does not affect your rights
          Your wealth does no affect the respect one has for you
          And your beliefs may not mean much to others but that doesn't mean you can treat them like something stuck on the bottom of your shoe
          I do not care if your Adam and Eves direct descendent... I will not give you the right to treat me how you please as I am myself and you are yourself... My say may not matter to you but it matters to other
          If that makes you feel less than feel free to tell me so but I shan't quiver in fear when you come threatening war as I will get ready to face you even if no ove stands by my side as I am a warrior who will not fulture in their aim and in their will I will fight with all I have to protect what I love and cherish
          If my blood is to be spilled in the process I know I will go down as a hero in battle rather than a coward who would sacrifice their own to save themselves'
          -A.A(aka me)Ari❤️


Absolutely! Humanity is all colors and if someone is a bully or disrespectful then they need to be put on their place. Respect is Earned not freely given! I hate bully’s 


this message may be offensive
Part 2/3 of my rant
          Guys I know some may think I was being harsh and I admit that I was because this guy had the freaking audacity to come interrupt some of my worry free, destressing time with my friends and insult me?!!!
          I can take being bullied, physically hurt, ignored, emmassassed and the toll of being a therapist to 167 people as well as helping my friends through what their going through, dealing with losses in my life, trying to figure out the problems and gaps my friends don't tell me about and fill in as well as all the pressure put onto me by my family to not be a disappointment, my school work, my home life, my social life and still have time to look after myself even when I don't want to....
          But I saw this once and only once
          I absolutely fucking refuse
          I have to be a pillar to alot of people so I will not and I repeat I will never hold back on putting someone in their place no matter their gender, age, race, culture or who they are in my life
          Alot of people think my life is a breeze because I don't show my pain or my worries or my stress...
          'On the outside you see I'm smiling and laughing but you never see that on the inside I'm crying, breaking, dying to be free.... But no one cares enough to help... They want support but they can't return it... '
          -A.A(Aka me)
          I love poetry honestly, I love Science, I love Medicine but I know I cant do anything with that in my future


this message may be offensive
PART 1/3 of my rant
          Hey guys
          How's your day been/going?
          It's like 2:34am lol
          So I wanted to pst this message yesterday but I really had a bad day...yk
          So I get that there is a lot of White people around the world who treat blacks horribly(Not all people are like that and some have reasons to their actions)
          But you see on Thursday the 19th of May 2022(2 days ago)
           I was outside afters after school minding my own damn business and playing cricket with my fam(my friend group that acts like a family-I'm the daughter lolz-) and these boys-black boys if you would like clarification-came up to us and started verbally harassing me for no fucking reason and making fun of me.... And me being the non-shit-taker I am pointed out that being an ass to people because you want to take your anger out on them doesn't solve anything and this bish has the AUDACITY to try and Diss me in another language and... I kinda lost it...Nope ONLY did I tell him off but I kinda maybe said:
          1.Your giving off major small dick energy
          2.Your cocky attitude ain't gonna make you dick any bigger
          3.I'd fight him if he wanted because he technically counted as a girl with his non exist thingy manwigy
          So Im 5'3,skinny with some curves and this guy is like 4'8 and is build like a can't blame me for thinking this guys starting something he can't finish
          4.Told him that he used the nickname that my classmates from last year used to torment me because I hated being called 'Ariel Washing Powder'
          5.Rold him if he wanted my attention he could've just asked for it instead of trying to look cool to which he was misserabely failing at
          6.Told him to come back and talk to me when he grew some balls....


@Dragonstorm1 Great minds think alike 


Sounds like something I would say. 


Keep writing! Your storyline sounds awesome!


Life comes first. Totally understand but I hope you can start again soon! 


@Dragonstorm1 Aww thanks but I don't really think I'll be able to right now but hopefully soon