
I have begun working on the Legend Of The Five Queens: Eva’s quest! I am excited to show the world how the story continues! Book will be filled with more action as I move away from how the past 2 stories were written. 


The legend of the Five Queens: Sierra’s choice is scheduled to start being  released in summer on 2023! I can’t promise that I will reach that goal but as of right now that is the plan. I have been working hard to make this story better than the first one. 


Update: The Legend of the five Queens book 2: Sierra’s choice has been in production since January of 2022. I do not plan on releasing any chapters until a full first draft for the entire story is completed. This process may take me until early 2023 to complete. The good news is that once the draft is complete, I will be completing and uploading each chapter on a weekly bases! I have been taking the time to make this story a lot better than the first one.  The goal is to be able to start promoting the story by December of 2022. I appreciate every one that takes the time to go on this journey with me. 


So, today is a huge day for me with the release of the last chapter for The legend of the five queens: Arabella’s tale. Over the years the story evolved drastially the more I worked on it and evetually evoled into something much larger. I am going to now announce the sequal - The legend of the five queens- Sierra’s choice. That story will enter preproducion soon but for now I am working on finishing some “deleted chapters” That never made it into Arabella’s tale. More announcments will be coming soon!


Chapter 33 for The Legend of the five queens: Arabellas’ tale is now live! After almost 7 years we are finally at the last 2 chapters of the book. These last 2 chapters will change the course of the story in a big way. Once the final chapter is dropped I will be teasing what is to come in the future as well as release some “deleted chapter” that did not make it into the story.


I just want to give a heads up and say that I will be reuploading Chapter 29: the island because i expirenced a glitch where after uplaoding the chapter non of the words were there. So when the chapter is reuploaded the end of it may be different. i could only save so much of it.