
I'm so sorry I didn't upload Journey Through The Worlds like entirety.  The Christmas are so close and I had a lot of things to do to school so I'm sorry. I'm  rewriting my story Just Believe (I found great beta so...). But I will finish all stories. I hope I will be able to update both till Christmas day :D


Thanks for the follow and I'm going to be curious and ask how you found my account I'm guessing by me comenting on OUAT books but I'm not sure :) Thanks so much anyway ily already.


@RosettaQueen  Yes, because OUAT books :D


I'm so sorry I didn't upload Journey Through The Worlds like entirety.  The Christmas are so close and I had a lot of things to do to school so I'm sorry. I'm  rewriting my story Just Believe (I found great beta so...). But I will finish all stories. I hope I will be able to update both till Christmas day :D


hey I'm Prisky0731 cousin and I really want some followers and I'd really like it if you'd follow me my cousin suggested me


yes she did 


@laineyrose23  I would be happy :D She suggested me :O? :D