
I am so sorry I have yet to update! I have not slept that much in the last few days so anything I write right now will sound...well not good. So please give me just a few more days to finish up some chapters and then in the next few days I will be updating! Sorry again.


Helloo :), I just wanted to tell you I read My Best Friend George Weasley year 1, 2 and those 2 chapters of year 3, in 2 days, for the second time. I'm a huge Potterhead, and I am siriusly obsessed with MBFGW. I really hope you'll update again soon. You're an amazing writer!! I don't want to sound like I'm pushing you or anything, but I really really really hope you'll update again. ~♡x


@TalkDirtyToBoo Oh! I can't believe that you have read all of that in two days...again! Thank you so much! I just updated and I actually have part of the next chapter written, so that should go up soon. I wanted to update last week, but it was the beginning of the semester, so I am very sorry about that. I hope you enjoy the new chapter! Have a lovely day!


I am so sorry I have yet to update! I have not slept that much in the last few days so anything I write right now will sound...well not good. So please give me just a few more days to finish up some chapters and then in the next few days I will be updating! Sorry again.


-status- are you looking for comedy tv shows? I recommend The IT crowd its absolutely hilarious
           p.s thank you for voting on coincidence!


No problem I really enjoy your story! And I will make sure to look into that show. I have started watching New Girl, but I am always looking for more comedy! :D