
I'm dead. lol jk obviously I'm not because I'm writing this, anyway yall should all go check out my gofundme for the Mississippi All State Lions Band 2018 because like, I is a poor girl and that's one reason why I never got on here is because I've been working on my auditions for lions band and I finally got accepted!!!


I'm dead. lol jk obviously I'm not because I'm writing this, anyway yall should all go check out my gofundme for the Mississippi All State Lions Band 2018 because like, I is a poor girl and that's one reason why I never got on here is because I've been working on my auditions for lions band and I finally got accepted!!!


I haven't been on in a couple days to write because 1. I'm lazy and 2. I was a little busy and Imma do some bragging and band fangirling for a sec. One of my best friends just got out of freshman year and SHE IS FIRST FRACKING CHAIR FOR HER INSTRUMENT IN THE MISSISSIPPI LION'S BAND AND SHE KILLED HER SOLO AT THE CONCERT.  The concert was pretty amazing and I'm really hoping to make it next year.  I'm about to finish up the next chapter of  Parallel Oceans Tonight (and by that I mean 4 in the fracking morning) and I'm going to start back up on TARDIS Blue in the morning (and by that I mean I'll start at 2 pm when I wake up and finish at 10 pm because I got distracted). Let's face it, Photograph probably won't even get a first chapter until like Christmas break lol, but seriously I'll start on the other ones while I have a chance and I'm doing summer work along with it and trying to get a job. Am I finding excuses? somewhat, I'm lazy but I actually do have a lot of work and I try because I vision each chapter and write out the whole plot before I write the story.


so, I'm still mad at my old emo self, HOWEVER,  I decided to procrastinate more because that's what I do best, and I forgot about a bookbag that had some of my art stuff in it that I took to camp last summer, and I was cleaning my room when I came back from a marching band trip to florida and I shoved some junk in there and apparently I shoved my brainstorming journal in there and I found my TARDIS Blue plans, but still don't expect anything until AFTER I take my ACT and possibly not until AFTER my spring band concert in the beginning of May


jk one of the pages is missing so now I gotta search -_-


MHROTF Update: SO, I am going to republish MHROTF, I am most likely going to change the name to fit the plot a little bit more and I actually know where the plans for MHROTF because it's on my freaking laptop unlike my idiot past emo self who decided she was going to write all her depressing crap on paper so it would be harder to find and wrote down pretty much everything instead of saving some of the more important stuff on her laptop. (throwing shade at myself because my emo phase was terrible) I also changed the plot some and the entire beginning is going to have to be rewritten so booo me. I'm smart (not). I wrote the basic plot and the elements to the story about a year ago towards the end of the school year (funny story: what sparked me to write the story was when me and a couple of my friends were cleaning the  band uniform closet and we asked our friend Chandler why he wasn't trying out for drum major and he said "oh, I just can't do that, my heart remains where it's been, it remains on the field" *hint where I got the title despite the story not based off him at all and I promise I'm not using sarcasm*) I started writing the story and not long after I met someone who had moved to my school a few months prior and towards the end of summer when him and I started hanging out and talking more and more, I quickly realized what was happening with me and him became similar to the story I had wrote the ideas for and started writing rough drafts of chapters of on my computer. Well, at that point I kinda loosely based and dedicated the character to him despite that at that point I changed the plot a teeny bit to be different. (BTW, the original story plan was supposed to be like a story based off me but a small loved story I knew I couldn't have). I had something very huge happen in the plot that would set it apart from the plot. TWO-THREE FREAKING MONTHS LATER IT HAPPENS TO ME, FML, so yee yee, if you know me irl, now you know why, and I've tried to change it a lot.


soooo haha, funny story. I've been meaning to update my stuff for the past couple months but 1. I started to go through a depression again back in October and also, I'm extremely busy, I play 3 instruments, I'm learning snare, I do winterguard (my winterguard is one of the best in the entire south so you know I'm dog dead tired) and it's almost over, I have to finish all my ACT prep before my ACT in a week and a half, and I will be gone all weekend for a symphonic band festival and WG championships. I went to look for the paper I had that had all my plans for "TARDIS Blue" written out, BUT, I can't find it, I promise I'm not trying to use that as an excuse. I swear I had it on my desk but apparently I moved it or my mom moved it when she cleaned my room one day. I had it with a DW fan art I did that I was very proud of and was going to put on my wall, and when I went to go put it up, I couldn't find it, so yee, even though my work is settling down (because reading 10 chapters and answering all the questions for them over the summer for AP US history isn't a lot of work pffft) that's not the only thing blocking me. I like my stuff to be planned out in front of me because I know what I wanted and won't forgot what I came up with and I can add and remove what I want and don't want so yee, I know i can finish one more chapter because I had a couple paragraphs done from a while back and I know what it was but I don't remember which one comes next, I do but I don't, it's complicated so ye. I've been searching for a good bit now and I haven't found it so.... be patient a little bit more with me, I absolutely promise to have more content up starting in the next couple weeks. I'm going to republish MHROTF and I wanted to change the name but that requires me to change the picture that I spent an hour or two photoshopping, but it needs to change anyway because it had a guard girl on it and the main character is no longer a guard person.


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Okay, so you definitely will hear something out of me the first week of Christmas break and I have symphonic band camp the second week so Ill still post but not as much. You might not see any updates for MHROTF because even though the characters are way different in real life, the protagonist guy in the story was very very loosely based on someone who was very special to me but a lot of crap happened. We got in a huge fight because I was depressed and he got mad about me being depressed and not telling him and I tried to tell him but he always told me to stop complaining. I woke up the next morning and he blocked me on everything except messages and snapchat and he ignored me all day at school yesterday. I finally got him to answer me after school and I was at the school for my band concert an hour early because if i didn't I wouldn't have had a ride. He responded saying "goodbye" and that he was done with my "bullshit" which he referred to my depression as. He cut off all ties with me. I was looking for him around the school and didn't find him so when i went to ask one of our closest friends who was in the band hall office, all my band directors in there turned to me concerned and dropped dead silence and begged to know what was wrong with me. Later he watched me get dragged to the hall by my friends so i could break down. they all surrounded me and one of the theatre instructors getting ready for a theatre trip even tried to help and when the guy who did all this walked in the hall to find one of the percussion equipment, he ignored me and didn't acknowledge at all the mess he made on the ground. After the concert I had to chase him to get his attention outside the school and I was crying and asked him why he did this and he told me that he already had the discussion, its over and when I asked him why did you abandon me when you love me? and he said and i quote, "I did, but now I don't" he's now threatening to call police on me. If you know me IRL, ask me bout it


Lol jk Ive been busy all break too because i had about 4 of my friends call me first day of break fighting over me. XD today is the first day im free because my dad canceled everything last minute so I see no family and don't get a proper thanksgiving meal and I have to babysit my friends brother while their mom black friday shops soooooooo Im sorry guys, Im finishing up a couple projects so I dont have to worry last minute so you can actually get some content later, I promise im not dead, Im just in one of the best high schools in my state which doesn't mix well with leisure time


Lol, I know I said I'd write stuff when marching season was over but I missed a whole week of Honors Algebra II and World History because we have 4 classes on one day and 4 the next and I missed a day with those two classes for my band trip to Florida (which was lit af and i get to go back for Winter Guard) and then i missed them for the PSAT and then I missed them for a pep rally I left early for since I'm in the pep rallies. So, I'm still behind and all this was a month ago and I'm almost caught up now that after school rehearsals have ended, but I have to go to Tupelo with my pep band Friday for our playoff game and that's 3.5 hours away and I will literally be at rehearsal all day saturday and sunday for Winter Guard practice and then tuesday and thursdays after school until late April so I might not even be able to THINK about posting until Thanksgiving break since Im like the only person who doesnt go to see family, but for a few days during Christmas Break, I might be gone to Louisiana to see family and spring break don't expect anything because I will be in San Antonio. Sorry you never hear anything from me, try to stay with me!


          go to that link to see the gif of me failing at life if y'all would like to. I was right in front of the colorguard judge and I was so confident and I tossed my toss so smoothly for once and I think "HECK YES I GOT IT" then the flag is like "haha, nope *falls*"


I'm standing halfway between the 50 and 45 on right side in the front if you can't see my obvious mistakes