
; uhh im still here ?? mayhaps cb for a oneliner 


i may be stupid 
          and annoying 
          that's it . there is no buts . 


@cloudistic * 
            ; djdjdj it's also the opinion of like anyone whenever she breathes 
            @brexthings  * 
            ; oh mood 


;  snORT —


MIDORIYA   !    [    her  voice  raises  dangerously   ,   echoing  throughout  the  classroom  as  she  slams  open  the  door   ,   chest  heaving  and  raven  bangs  splayed  across  her  face   .   twilight  hues  roave  across  the  room  before  zoning  in  on  the  todoroki   -   midoriya  girl   ,   narrowing  in  visible  distaste   ]    get  your  ass  over  here   .   i  want  to  have  a  WORD  with  you   .


this message may be offensive
[    the  bakugou  kin  growled  lowly   ,   sharp  canines  barring  threateningly   ]   i  don't  give  a  shit   !   if  i'm  bleeding   ─    hell   ,   if  i'm  DYING   ─    [   the  ground  beneath  them  gave  an  aching  rumble   ,   and  she  vaguely  registered  the  sound  of  her  classmates  calling  out  in  surprise   ─    though  it  didn't  stop  her   ]    you  STAY  the  FUCK  AWAY   .


@seismicrage  *
            * the sudden aggression made her flinch , hands instinctively glowing hot for a second before she caught control of herself , hoping it didn't get more hot than a sweaty hand * i thought you would get hurt  !!  it was a spur of the moment thing - you still got most of the blows on it , it just looked like you were tired  . i would never want to lower your grade , honestly  !


this message may be offensive
BULLSHIT   !   [   the  words  are  practically  yelled   ,   uncontrollable  rage  lacing  her  voice  as  she  presses  the  smaller  girls  form  harshly  back  into  the  wall   ─    effectively  caging  her  in   ]   you  interfered  ..   with  MY  test  ..   what  the  fuck  are  you  planning   ?   are  you  purposely  trying  to  lower  my  grade   ?   is  THAT  your  goal   ?   or  are  you  just  THAT  much  of  a  fucking  idiot   ,   believing  i  need  your  stupid  help  !