
Thank you for voting on The Secret of the Forest, I'm glad you are enjoying it :D


@techbeauty you are very welcome :D. I also do truly enjoy being able to connect with readers as well as fellow writers as there is always a lot to talk about.


@floranocturna Thank you for your kind offer. I'll take you up on it soon properly. For now everything is straight forward and wonderful. I really wish that we could reach out to our favorites others sometimes. That's one of the reasons I love wattpad. Connecting with people who inspire to read and see different stories is so amazing. 


@techbeauty hehe, yes of course that would be awesome if we could always talk to authors whose books we love. That's the great thing about fanfic or online publishing in general, that usually the authors are around and as glad to receive feedback as the readers are to be able to ask questions ;) Because I mean, which author does not love elaborating on his/her work? And I'm super glad to have a reader that loves my story so much. So, don't be shy and ask away should the need arise :D


Okay dokay, i scanned them! Added Sins unleashed to my library becauses it sounds great and right up my alley! Hypnotized also sounded pretty good but not my cup of tea. Either way they both seem pretty good for a newbie, ill let you know more when ive read SU! 


@Magic-Is-Science Wow thanks! I've heard that Hypnotized sounds a but Fifty Shades-ish so hopefully the other chapters in that book will clear it up. But I'm stoked that you like Sin Unleashed, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed your book!


Thanks so much for all the votes for Persuasion in the Pantry! I really appreciate your support :) I hope that you continue to read and enjoy it


It's no problem at all , I love the story so far. You are a great writer and I hope I may persuade you to read at least the descriptions of the books I'm currently writing; Sin Unleashed and Hypnotized. When you have the time of course, read away!


read my new book please


@WallcoctSands  Wally I told you to ask as if you wasn't desperate.