i'm not too sure what to wright in here, but ill start off with introductions. my name is unknown, for many reasons. i have enough family members to last me a decade. my age doesn't matter but i am under the legal age too do many things. if you meet me ever you'll see me as a quiet girl, sitting in the back listing to music. looking lonely most likely, but i couldn't care less. art is nice. i love to stare at the naturally beauty of it, but some people suck at drawing. mainly when people talk i feel as if its a movie and i'm spacing out. music i like well theres alot. ill name the bands/artist if you're still reading this. guess u can say lana del ray, lorde, sleeping with sirens, peirce the viel, apocalipto, three days grace, my chemical romance, etc. i know many bands but i choose to list the ones i like. guess thats enough. im pretty bored, i dont like many people. i will be expected to be hated back since i do not like many. fanfictions are nice and manga is chill. pratically me.
  • somewhere in my sheets
  • JoinedJuly 22, 2015