

“Can... I tell you something...? A secret?”


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            Once Tabitha heard the confession coming from her red-headed friend and felt the other’s hands taking hold of hers, she finally looked up and made eye contact. Her eyes were a little wide and certainly quite bright, her posture straightening a little bit. “O-Oh,” she responded, not even sure what to say. Nat liked her? Like, /really/ liked her? “You– actually like me back; holy shit. You mean that? I mean–” The brunette shook her head and closed her eyes for a moment due to her own stupidity, opening them back up a few seconds later. “I know you wouldn’t say it if you didn’t mean it, I just– It’s the first thing that came to my mind?”


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;    @telekineticrunaways 
            the  girl  was  nearly  tempted  to  just  tap  into  the  other’s  mind  and  find  out  herself  but  that  would  be  an  invasion  of  tabby’s  privacy    .    she  promised  she  would  never  do  that    .    instead    ,    she  remained  patient  and  waited  for  tabitha  to  speak  for  herself    .    taking  note  in  how  the  other  girl  couldn’t  seem  to  keep  eye  contact  with  her    ,    nat  began  to  grow  more  worried  and  felt  herself  tense  up  in  her  seat    .    “    you’re  not  in  trouble  are  y—    ”    she  quickly  cut  herself  off  as  she  heard  the  other’s  words    ,    wondering  if  she  heard  her  correctly    .    “    you    ..    like  me    ?    are  you     —     oh  shit    .    ”    her  eyes  widened  in  suprise  but  almost  immediately    ,    a  small  smile  grew  on  her  face  and  she  reached  forward  to  take  the  brunnete’s  hands  again    .    “    hey    ..    i  like  you  too    ,    in  a  more  than  friendly  way    .    ”    


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            Tabitha gave her hand a small squeeze while she got the chance, but it was slowly becoming more difficult to maintain eye contact with Natasha as she continued thinking of how to word this. “Nat, I...” ‘Just come out with it, Tabitha,’ she thought to herself. “Shit, okay, I’m just gonna come out with it: I... I like you, and... it’s more than just a friendly way...” The brunette pulled her hands away from the redhead’s, unable to make eye contact at all.