
I'm also gonna try to make this account not trash by actually posting stories sometimes and actually talking to other people if they want. There used to be people on here that liked reading my things and hopefully that might be true again sometime soon? I'm not sure what I'm gonna do but it might be cool so maybe be on the look out for new things to read on here if you want, I guess. 
          	Peace bitches ~ Cas


I'm also gonna try to make this account not trash by actually posting stories sometimes and actually talking to other people if they want. There used to be people on here that liked reading my things and hopefully that might be true again sometime soon? I'm not sure what I'm gonna do but it might be cool so maybe be on the look out for new things to read on here if you want, I guess. 
          Peace bitches ~ Cas


If any of you guys ever feel like showing me your stories and like genuinely want me to read something you wrote it'd be better if you pm it to me instead of putting it in the comments thing here because if you pm it to me I'll most likely actually read it. Just letting you know. 
          Bye for now my doods ~ Cas


Also I'd appreciate it if people stopped putting me in tag pages bc I'm getting too many notifications from that and it's kind of annoying. Please and thanks ~


i love love love harry potter and Ginny so much pls follow me and i love your work :)


@Gin_Howell-Potter  it means a lot :) ur amzaing


@Gin_Howell-Potter anytime ! and thanks for the follow :)