
After taking time out to read this fanfic I thought I would enjoy it since I am a Taylor girl. Sadly tho I was very disappointed. The story didn't flow well and it was very predictable. I found it bland and very boring. The writer words drug on and on and took too long to get to the point. I could see they thought all the description and detail was clever but it was dry. The characters lacked substance and were also boring. The plot it self wasn't interesting either. Maybe the writer should take a writing class or two. All and all I feel I waisted my time and that paint drying is more interesting than this. The cover art was also terrible. It  Looks like it was done by somone who doesn't know how to use a photo editing program. It really made me wonder why did I even bother reading this. I also hated the name. Not original at all. The guys would be ashamed and I will not be waiting to find out what happens next. I suggest not waisting your time and find a  story that is not gonna put you to sleep. 


@moonbeam89 I haven't read the fic but as someone who is a writer as well as someone who also runs a review site on tumblr for fanfics this "review" was uncalled for. There is a nice way to leave constructive criticism if you don't like a fic and this was not it. I haven't read this story yet but if I didn't like something about it I would either stop reading or find a nicer way than you did to say it. Also bringing cover art up is really petty and it has nothing to do with the fic in a whole at all.


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@moonbeam89:  #1.) this story isn’t even half way over yet. #2.) it is a first draft fanfic, not a Pulitzer Prize novel, calm the fuck down.  #3.) the person who writes this story has feelings just like everyone else, and this is how you started her day. I’d like to see you write a better fanfic. 
            & lastly:) cover art can be changed. 
            Ps, I hope you fart soon so the rest of the hot air floating around inside you gets out and you remember what it’s like to be a human being. 
            Have a great Friday! 